Course Selection Information for Spring 2014
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | University Admission Page Use chrome browser Go to Click Log in in the upper-right corner.
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Select University Use Uppsala University's student portal to log in
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Login Redirect to the joint web log in for Uppsala University. Use your user name and password A from your UpUnet student account (the same as for Studentportalen)
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Logged in You will be taken back to and confirming message shows up.
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Searching Courses Click Training Catalogue tab Redirect to main page Fill in the application code of the course you want to apply before clicking Search. But where do I get the application code?
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Finding Application Code Course Information For Master study of CS in Spring 2014, please visit : Get the application code. For example : UU is the code
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Search Fill in the code on and click Search. (For example, “UU-11219” is the code)
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Choose Course The course you searched for will be shown. Click Choose to the right of your search course and your course will be added to your application in the blue box
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Select Course Repeat filling in and searching procedure if you want to apply more courses.
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | When you have added your courses and are ready to proceed click The notification at the bottom of the blue box.
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Dismiss information Dismiss the yellow-frame dialog box by clicking close in the bottom if such one pops out at this time
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Prioritise Courses Prioritise your chosen courses. Use the blue arrows to the right of every alternative or drag and drop the courses up and down in your application. Can be admitted to 30 hp (credits).
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Delete Course You can delete your application with Delete application at the top left. Click the blue button Send for further processing.
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Confirmation Go over your application again and check that everything is correct. Disregard the rest of the page. Click Send when you are done
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Done! You get the confirmation. You will get a confirmation of receipt regarding your application by from University Admissions in Sweden
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Logout
Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Submission of Application Carefully decide which courses to take Apply before October 15 Print out the confirmation , sign it and put it in post box 27 (building 1, floor 4) Dead-line October 17, 09.00