Professor Hai-Sui Yu, FREng Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) Welcome Event for New Staff March 2013
Welcome About the University – Campuses, Staff, Students Strategic Plan Q&A
The University Plan: 2010 to 2015 Major challenges ahead: Increased competition for students and staff High quality teaching and learning in a digital environment Facilities for a rewarding and enriched student experience Recruiting and retaining world class researchers and teachers Competition with Asia Reducing our carbon footprint
The Mission “At the University of Nottingham we are committed to providing a truly international education, inspiring our students, producing world- leading research and benefitting the communities around our campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia.” Taken from the University Plan,
The Vision “By attracting ambitious and talented students, staff and business partners, we will firmly establish ourselves among the top ten UK universities by 2015, and both of our campuses in Asia will be recognised as leading higher education providers within their regions. Our vision is to be recognised around the world for our signature contributions, especially in global food security, energy and sustainability and health.” Taken from the University Plan,
Excellence in all we do Academic freedom and curiosity A global perspective Innovation and entrepreneurialism Leadership in environmental sustainability Partnership and collaboration Staff and student support Appreciating diversity Equality of access and opportunity Social responsibility Transparency Taken from the University Plan, Guiding Principles
Key Areas Excellence in Education World Changing Research Engaging with Business Global Reach University Life Our Environment Social Responsibility Sustaining Excellence Taken from the University Plan,
Excellence in Education 1.Consolidate the University of Nottingham’s position as a leading global university for learning and teaching. 2.Establish the campuses in Asia as leading institutions within their regions, in terms of teaching quality. 3.Enrol and retain, on all UK-based courses, UK students from backgrounds currently underrepresented at the University 4.Maintain our leading position in technology-enabled teaching and learning Taken from the University Plan,
World Changing Research 1.To be recognised among the top 5 in the UK and the top 50 globally for research and knowledge transfer. 2.Increase research income and research margins. 3.By 2015 to achieve a research profile at our campuses in Asia in key areas comparable to that of the Nottingham campus. 4.Expand the number, breadth and effectiveness of research and knowledge transfer partnerships, collaborations and joint ventures. Taken from the University Plan,
Engaging with Business 1.Build mutually beneficial partnerships with like-minded organisations. 2.Drive up our market share of industrial and commercial income. 3.Improve the effectiveness of our current external engagement activities Taken from the University Plan,
Global Reach 1.Secure our achievement in establishing the two campuses in Asia, by fuller integration, coordination and expansion, and taking advantage of all the opportunities with their success. 2.Magnify the international impact of our research and commercialisation activities. 3.Expand student and staff mobility. 4.Develop and enhance international teaching and research partnerships. Taken from the University Plan,
Any Questions?