Young Peoples' Leadership 1 Young People’s Fellowship Fellowship conference July 2006
Young Peoples' Leadership 2 Young People’s comments after the interview process ‘..I feel more confident and I have learnt to listen more.’ ‘I found out more about the UFA and how it is used in other schools.’ ‘I hope this project influences more schools and networks of educators so that others will be able to benefit from it too.’
Young Peoples' Leadership 3 Article 12 (Respect for the views of the child) When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinions taken into account.
Young Peoples' Leadership 4 ‘Running throughout Youth Matters is the message that we want young people to be actively involved in their communities, influencing decision- making and democratic processes, and leading action to change communities for the better.’ Youth Matters: Next Steps DfES March 2006
Young Peoples' Leadership 5 The Government has set out to develop: ‘a stronger voice for children, young people and adults in the development of policy and the design of services.’ Five Year Strategy for Children and Learners, DfES, July 2004
Young Peoples' Leadership 6 ‘Back at school we can share our experiences and help others learn in a different and a more enjoyable way’ Quote from a Young Fellow
Young Peoples' Leadership 7 ‘We’re planning a booklet for staff about what students like and don’t like to do for homework. We’re also thinking about one for students with tips about doing homework.’ Quote from a Young Fellow
Young Peoples' Leadership 8 ‘The aim is to enable pupils to understand themselves better as learners and so take greater control of and responsibility for their learning, transferring and applying a widening repertoire of learning approaches in different subjects and contexts’. (
Young Peoples' Leadership 9 ‘It’s been difficult getting things rolling. They (school staff) they’re busy this time of year. They need to leave more to us, so we don’t always have to wait for their say so- but we need to keep them informed.’ ‘I want to see something happen because I have played my part.’ ‘I want to help people, and then come back (to school) in a few years and see it’s all still going on.’ Quotes from Young Fellows 2006
Young Peoples' Leadership 10 ‘The games have so far been the most useful.’ ‘It helped me gain confidence and help give others confidence.’ ‘I’m confident to speak to people of all ages.’ Quotes from Young Fellows 2006
Young Peoples' Leadership 11 ‘The Fellowship breaks down barriers between different schools.’ ‘I want to get others to learn by enjoying themselves, make it fun but see they are learning too.’ ‘Staff are really listening to what we say – they take us seriously and want us to work with other students.’ Quotes from Young Fellows 2006
Young Peoples' Leadership 12 ‘The focus upon education is not something that we plan for one term, one year or one Parliament. It is there for good. For there is no greater task as we face the challenges of a new global economy and a new Millennium. The countries that invest in their young people are the countries that will succeed.’ Tony Blair, 28th August 1997, Morpeth School: Tower Hamlets
Young Peoples' Leadership 13 Where else can student participation have an impact? Citizenship Education PSHE Personalised learning Every Child Matters Extended Schools Healthy Schools Enterprise School Councils.
Young Peoples' Leadership 14 ‘We believe that empowering young people gives a clear message that they are supported and trusted to make decisions. It gives them the chance to act responsibility and to assume an active role in decision-making and leadership in their communities.’ Youth Matters: Next Steps DfES March 2006
Young Peoples' Leadership 15 ‘I hope this project influences more schools and networks of educators so that others are able to benefit from it to’ Quote from a Young Fellow
Young Peoples' Leadership 16 ‘We will only achieve lasting and positive change for young people if we place them at the centre of our policies and services.’ Youth Matters: Next Steps DfES March 2006
Young Peoples' Leadership 17 Working Together: Giving Children and Young People a Say (April 2004) “We make decisions that impact on children and young people every day. I believe that giving children and young people a say in decisions that affect them will impact positively on standards, behaviour and inclusion” Stephen Twigg
Young Peoples' Leadership 18 ‘Young people in particular were enthusiastic about the chance to have some real influence over what is on offer locally and on services more generally. They were keen to get involved through democratic processes, consultation, running their own projects and involvement in inspection. Their biggest fear was that adults would appear to engage them, but would not really listen to, or act on, their wishes.’ Youth Matters: Next Steps DfES March 2006