Young People’s Project AA YP Project Progress Report Chester April 2014
Where are we now? AA Demographic by age : 2010 Survey 95% over age 30 77% over age 40 47% over age 50 22% over age 60
Do the Maths Only 1 in 20 of us is “young” ie. under 30 This can be daunting for youngsters
Where do we want to be? Attract young people with alcohol problems into recovery in AA. Engage young people in the unity of the Fellowship. Sponsor young people into service via the service structure.
Conference 2013 Young people should be warmly welcomed into AA. Young People are encouraged through sponsorship to be active members of the Fellowship The Service Structure may seek to encourage and co- operate with Young People’s Conventions The Electronic Communications Sub Committee (ECSC) looks at appropriate apps and social media as a possible means of attracting young people to AA
Conference 2013 Young people are encouraged, wherever possible, to carry the message at PI events in education, young offenders institutions etc. A young person (YP) status is highlighted on the 12 th Step list The “Too Young” poster be updated with input from younger members. Intergroups and Regions may, where appropriate, appoint a Young Persons Liaison Officer.
How do we get there? Young People’s Project Team Invitation to interested young members via AA Service News, website, circular to Regions Four meetings so far chaired and attended by Trustees Aim: to facilitate and develop the agenda from Conference 2013
Work in progress AA poster for young people Proposal for A Message for Young People animated video Monitoring Young People’s Conventions
Work in progress Discussion document for the Role of the YPLO Report to the GSB re Search Engine Optimisation More of the YP community attending Intergroup and Region: more YPLOs coming into the service structure One YPP Team member is now an alternative Conference Delegate !
YPLO Role: Discussion Document Minimum two years continuous sobriety with a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions having come into AA at the age of thirty or younger age.
YPLO Role: Discussion Document The YPLO is a conduit for young people with a desire to stop drinking. The YPLO receives and answers referred and phone enquiries about AA from young people. This gives young people someone to talk with who has sober experience in Alcoholics Anonymous and can share experience, strength and hope about getting sober at a young age.
YPLO Role: Discussion Document A YPLO will be available to assist the Public Information Liaison Officer (PILO) with public information talks where the audience is anticipated to be of a younger age, such as schools, universities, young offenders’ institutions and prisons. The YPLO could also be of assistance offering perspective to PILOs creating PI presentations.
YPLO Role: Discussion Document A YPLO should encourage younger members of AA to get involved in all aspects of service at Group, Intergroup, Region, and GSB Sub Committee levels. Younger AAs are needed in all areas of service eg. Literature, Electronic Communications and PI to ensure the perspective of young people in AA is included and to foster future generations of service.
Posters The “Too Young” poster be updated with input from younger members.
A Message to Young People Animation Video The Electronic Communications Sub Committee (ECSC) looks at appropriate apps and social media as a possible means of attracting young people to AA Storyboard proposal endorsed by GSB and in development
Where do we go from here? Develop our YP network in all areas of the country Attract young people with alcohol problems into recovery in AA. Engage young people in the unity of the Fellowship. Sponsor young people into service via the service structure.
They are the future! Message to AA at large Lend them a hand... Give them their head...