1.Assess the PSYCHOLOGICAL skills of a performer of your choice 2.Identify STRENGHTS 3.Identify AREAS for IMPROVEMENT 1.Assess the PSYCHOLOGICAL skills of a performer of your choice 2.Identify STRENGHTS 3.Identify AREAS for IMPROVEMENT Areas of consideration : Motivation Concentration Arousal/Anxiety Self-confidence This can be an actual athlete or made up. You have to identify what psychological demands the sport/ position requires and base strengths and areas for improvement from this This can be based upon using a Questionnaire / Psychological review
“The desire to be successful” “Level of interest/ Excitement” “The extent to which we expect to be successful” “The ability to focus on relevant cues” “Ability to control mental state” P6: Base your questionnaire/ review on these psychological demands in order devise a psychological training programme in P7
Example Questionnaire… -Remember your questionnaire should include an insight relating to Motivation, Concentration, Arousal/ Anxiety and Confidence. -You then complete the questionnaire/ review to create strengths and areas for improvement. -Relate the questions to the sport in question Example Questionnaire… -Remember your questionnaire should include an insight relating to Motivation, Concentration, Arousal/ Anxiety and Confidence. -You then complete the questionnaire/ review to create strengths and areas for improvement. -Relate the questions to the sport in question