British cartoon, 2 nd March 1948  starter activity Who is being blamed for Cold War in this British cartoon of the 1940s? What are the limitations in.


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Presentation transcript:

British cartoon, 2 nd March 1948  starter activity Who is being blamed for Cold War in this British cartoon of the 1940s? What are the limitations in using this source?  Instead of asking who was to blame for Cold War is there another line of enquiry that could be pursused?

How far was the US responsible for the Cold War? To identify and explain the differences between orthodox, revisionist & post-revisionist historians of Cold War To assess the part played by President Truman ( ) in emergence of Cold War To develop skills in analysing the views of different historians studying the development of Cold War  LOs

 Your task Read p.49 and in your own words summarise the key ideas by these three schools of historiography: Read p.49 and in your own words summarise the key ideas by these three schools of historiography: Orthodox or traditional Orthodox or traditional Revisionist Revisionist Post-revisionist Post-revisionist Note down the names of historians associated with each school Note down the names of historians associated with each school  Extension. Which do you agree with? What evidence would you use to support your judgement?  Extension. Which do you agree with? What evidence would you use to support your judgement?

Key schools of thought Historiography – study of historians views Historiography – study of historians views Traditional (orthodox) – conventional, western view, USSR to blame Traditional (orthodox) – conventional, western view, USSR to blame Revisionist – looking at history from different, ‘revised’ perspectives, the US must share the blame Revisionist – looking at history from different, ‘revised’ perspectives, the US must share the blame Post-revisionists – not who but what was to blame, e.g. break down of diplomacy, economic factors Post-revisionists – not who but what was to blame, e.g. break down of diplomacy, economic factors

 Your task Read p and note down evidence to support each of these statements: Read p and note down evidence to support each of these statements: Truman was to blame for the emergence of Cold War Truman was to blame for the emergence of Cold War Truman wasn’t entirely to blame Truman wasn’t entirely to blame Economic factors were responsible Economic factors were responsible  Extension. Reach a judgement on which statement was the most accurate. Choose 2 pieces of evidence to support your judgement  Extension. Reach a judgement on which statement was the most accurate. Choose 2 pieces of evidence to support your judgement

Truman was to blame! Change of policy from conciliation under Roosevelt to ‘Iron Fist’ Change of policy from conciliation under Roosevelt to ‘Iron Fist’ Truman lacked Roosevelt’s negotiating skills Truman lacked Roosevelt’s negotiating skills Truman felt less secure in his position, e.g. challenges from Dixiecrats over Civil Rights policies like Fair Deal Truman felt less secure in his position, e.g. challenges from Dixiecrats over Civil Rights policies like Fair Deal His approach hardened divisions between East & West His approach hardened divisions between East & West Truman confounded critics & won 1948 presidential elections

It wasn’t all Truman’s fault Truman was responding to hostility within US administration to USSR caused by communist expansion in Eastern Europe Truman was responding to hostility within US administration to USSR caused by communist expansion in Eastern Europe Key advisers, e.g. George Kennan, ‘Long Telegram’ (1946) spoke about ‘steady advance of Russian nationalism’ Key advisers, e.g. George Kennan, ‘Long Telegram’ (1946) spoke about ‘steady advance of Russian nationalism’ Previous administrations had been too soft on communism Previous administrations had been too soft on communism Soviet aggression gave Truman no other choice than to adopt an Iron Fist to avoid war Soviet aggression gave Truman no other choice than to adopt an Iron Fist to avoid war

Economic factors Military-industrial complex encouraged conflict to secure capitalist markets and provide continued investment in military spending after WWII Military-industrial complex encouraged conflict to secure capitalist markets and provide continued investment in military spending after WWII

 Your task Study sources D, E & F on p.51-2 and complete the table your teacher provides. Study sources D, E & F on p.51-2 and complete the table your teacher provides.  Extension. Which interpretation offers the most accurate view of US responsibility? Write a short judgement paragraph  Extension. Which interpretation offers the most accurate view of US responsibility? Write a short judgement paragraph

“The US was to blame for the development of Cold War between 1947 and 1953.” Debate

 Extension task Keep a log of examples of orthodox, revisionist & post-revisionist historians of Cold War Keep a log of examples of orthodox, revisionist & post-revisionist historians of Cold War Find examples of different schools of thought from other periods of history you’ve studied at GCSE or AS, for example Nazi Germany or the Russian Revolution. Explain your decisions. Find examples of different schools of thought from other periods of history you’ve studied at GCSE or AS, for example Nazi Germany or the Russian Revolution. Explain your decisions.

Plenary Plenary Why is it important to ask what caused Cold War as much as who caused it? Why is it important to ask what caused Cold War as much as who caused it? What does ‘historiography’ mean? What does ‘historiography’ mean? Give 3 examples of historical schools of thought Give 3 examples of historical schools of thought How far was the US to blame for the development of Cold War after 1947? How far was the US to blame for the development of Cold War after 1947?