Politics of Aid 6 Learning Intentions: To understand what multilateral aid is and be able to give examples of organisations connected with this aid To give examples of the work of the UN specialised agencies
United Nations The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries. The aims of the UN are: To keep peace throughout the world; To develop friendly relations among nations; To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms; To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goal
Aid from the UN to African Countries This form of aid is called Multilateral Aid as more than one country is giving aid. The United Nations established their Millennium Development Goals This is when the countries that make up the UN agreed eight goals, including to ending extreme poverty and the spread of AIDs and HIV by 2015.
The Economic and Social Council Other bodies and committees. There are 193 Member States of the UN and they express their views through: The General Assembly The Security Council The Economic and Social Council Other bodies and committees. Secretary General – Ban Ki-moon
UN Agencies There are a number of UN agencies that deal with specific areas in developing and developed countries. The three that we will study will be UNICEF FAO WHO
Research You are going to carry out internet research on one of the three agencies mentioned on the previous page. You will then teach each other what you have found out. You must find out the following information: What is the agency? What are its aims? 2 examples of recent work it has done.
Useful websites http://www.unicef.org.uk http://www.who.int/en/ http://www.fao.org/
United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF was established after the Second World War to look after the children effected. Today UNICEF’s function is to help children in need, & also help the mothers of these children, Projects in Africa include: Organising emergency relief for children. School projects to lower high rates of illiteracy. Projects to help mother & child such as the breastfeeding campaign
UNICEF in Niger UNICEF is involved in combating child trafficking UNICEF organises skill training programme for children, particularly females
FAO – Food and Agricultural Organisation The main aim of the FAO is to combat the problems of hunger in the developing countries. The FAO plan to do this by: The special programme for food security This plans to end hunger, under nourishment and poverty by giving local people the education and strength to take control of their products. In Sudan – the largest African country water supplies are very limited. The FAO have provided specialised workers, e.g. plumbers to provide clean water to the cities and rural communities.
WHO – World Health Organisation The main aim of WHO is to ensure that everyone has access to good, safe and modern health care. WHO has defined health: “…as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity…”
The WHO in Chad In 2004 the WHO sent 345 doctors, 112 midwives, 15 dentists and 268 community health care workers To a place where the population is 9,944,201, the life expectancy is 45 years, the infant mortality rate is 91 deaths for every 1000 births and 200,000 people live with HIV/AIDs The WHO have also: 11th March 2005 - Started an immunisation programme in Chad to deal with a meningitis outbreak that effected 387 people in two districts in Chad. CHAD SUDAN
KU Question Using two agencies that you have studied, describe ways that the UN can help developing countries in Africa. 8 marks