School of EPS – IT Support Services “Some information for new users” by Dr Roderick Ferguson EPS IT Service (computer officer, new website design) Mass Spectrometry Service advice (I used to run this service…)
EPS IT Service for Staff & Research workers (EPS Staff Network) You will encounter two IT help desks:- and
EPS IT Service New Research Workers (i.e. Postgrads and Postdocs) Need to get registered twice! 1HW Central Computing Services = UICS (over in the HW Library) 2EPS school IT services (Earl Mountbatten building, EM 1.77)
Who does what? UICS deals with things like:- PC Caledonia (undergrad IT Labs) Central Web pages (e.g. Vision VLE
Who does what? EPS IT support deals with EPS Staff and Research Workers IT needs. There are 3 network types: #1EPS Staff network #2Research Group networks #3Untrusted network & wireless
“I need a new PC…” Please note that EPS IT Support do NOT supply Research Workers with a new PC… Instead it is the responsibility of your ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR to do this! (and some do and some don’t … !)
Different EPS IT Support levels EPS Main Staff network:- Uses Netware 6.5 to deliver software to the users desktop No Admin rights any Specialist Software must be installed by EPS IT Staff…
Different EPS IT Support levels EPS Research Group network(s):- Research PC user has full Admin rights… and is also responsible for installing software, looking after the PC etc. => gets less EPS IT support “with great power comes great responsibility!”
And finally … Please do NOT plug in your laptop or any other piece of IT kit into what looks like an unused network port… (e.g. in a research lab) Instead, please contact EPS IT Support Staff, so that we can advise you on what services you might require!
More contact details:- Telephone:- EPS IT Help:extn 3290 HW IT Help:extn 4045 Web:-
Last thoughts… We hope that:- 1You will enjoy your time with us here at Heriot-Watt EPS, and that 2Your research work will be fruitful. Remember that we’re here to help!