This info point is about Olympic values, eating well, get active and feel good. Olympic values Eating well Get active Feel good By Bailey Denovan
Friendship links to feeling good because you can relax with your friends. Friendship links with getting active because you can do sports together with your friends and give each other challenges. Friendship links with eating well cause you could go on a diet together and give each other support with it. Eating well Feel good Get active Introduction
Olympic values Get active Introduction Feel good This graph shows how many 5 a day people eat. It shows that most people have had only (1) 5 a day. Eat more of your five a day.
Introduction Feel good Eating well Olympic values This graph shows how many times a week people keep active. The most popular is 2 times a week. Do half a hour of running every day
Eating well Introduction Olympic values Get active This graph shows how often you do something to feel good. On the graph it that people do something to feel good more everyday than 2 times a week. Chill with friends.