starter activity On 13 March 1881, after a succession of attempts on his life, Tsar Alexander II’s ( ) luck finally ran out. Read about Alexander II’s life and identify his achievements. Who do you think might have assassinated him?
Who would murder Alexander II the title, ‘Tsar Liberator’? To identify Alexander II’s assassins TBAT explain and evaluate the key reforms of Tsar Alexander II LOs
Your task Make a list of the key reforms of Alexander II. Think about the following: Make a list of the key reforms of Alexander II. Think about the following: Serfs Serfs Land Land Agriculture Agriculture Politics Politics Judicial system Judicial system Which was the most important reform? Which was the most important reform?
Extension task Read through the information and add this information to your notes on the reforms that Alexander introduced. Read through the information and add this information to your notes on the reforms that Alexander introduced. 1. Army (p.29) 2. Local government (p.30) 3. Law (p.30-1) 4. Censorship and the press (p.31) 5. Education (p.31-2) 6. Economy (p.32) 7. Nationalities (p.32)
According to one French writer, Alexander left Russia, ‘an incomplete and uncomfortable dwelling where friends and opponents of innovation felt almost equally ill at ease’. How true was this statement?
Put Alexander II on trial! Was he responsible for his own murder? Should his assassins sentences be commuted to manslaughter?
Plenary Describe the personality of Alexander II List his main achievements and failings Does he deserve the title ‘Tsar Liberator’? Extension: ….
Execution of leaders of the People’s Will on 3 rd April Who was to blame for their deaths?
Extension reading Read more about the achievements and failings of Alexander II in ‘Chronicle of the Russian Tsars’ (Warnes) Read more about the achievements and failings of Alexander II in ‘Chronicle of the Russian Tsars’ (Warnes)
Homework Write an obituary on Alexander II, mentioning his reforms. Write it from the point of view of a supporter, but then highlight and annotate all the things an opponent would disagree with. Write an obituary on Alexander II, mentioning his reforms. Write it from the point of view of a supporter, but then highlight and annotate all the things an opponent would disagree with.