p. (1) TYPE I “Find a fractional part of a quantity” The QUESTION contains a fraction Example: Find 2 / 3 of £36 TYPE II “Express one quantity as a fraction of another” The ANSWER will be a fraction Example: Express £24 as a fraction of £36 FRACTION PROBLEMS
p. (2) TYPE II FRACTIONS The HARD PART is deciding, from the information in the question, which number is quantity A and which is quantity B. In this type of problem, your answer will be a fraction. You will be given two quantities and asked to write “one quantity (A) as a fraction of another quantity (B)” The fraction you want is simply quantity A or A quantity B B You’ll be expected to write your answer in its simplest form
p. (3) TYPE II FRACTIONS Always look for the words “as a fraction of …” because this is your bottom number (quantity B) Example 1: Express £24 as a fraction of £36 The fraction you want is “Cancel” to its simplest form: ÷2 ÷3 = = 6 9 = 2323
p. (4) TYPE II FRACTIONS WORDS HELP: The fraction you want is females (in words) = 7 (in numbers) total class members 10 Example 2: A class contains 3 male and 7 female students. What fraction of the class members are females? Don’t be fooled into thinking the fraction will always be smaller number The answer is NOT 3 bigger number 7 X Ask yourself: “fraction of what …?” Here it’s “fraction of total class members”, which we need to work out: 3 males + 7 females = 10 class members.