Truth or myth?
A Careers adviser will tell me what to do.... An adviser cannot tell you what to do. They can discuss your ideas and guide you to help you make an informed decision based on what might be right for you.
I can’t make a living out of a hobby... Who says so? Combining skill and interest = great career choice? You could start your own business. Make sure you research all aspects of turning your hobby into a career. You may need to do some training to make a hobby into a career.
Earning lots of money will make me happy... Most people work 71% of their year Over a lifetime we might spend 31½ years of our life working Salary is important but we also need to get job satisfaction too
Once I choose a career – I am stuck with it forever... Many people change career many times – developing different skills as they progress. You may have to retrain. Getting a range of qualifications gives you more choices.
If my best friend is happy with a particular career/ job then I will be too... What works for someone may not necessarily work for you even if you have a lot in common. If someone you know has a career that interests you, look into it, but be aware of the fact that it may not necessarily be a good fit for you.
All I have to do is pick an career... things will fall into place after that… Choosing a career is a great start. You need a career action plan with all the steps you need to take to make sure you achieve your goals.
There's very little I can do to learn about a career without actually working in it… Real experience is great but not always possible. How else could you find out more?
It never too early to start planning for the future you want You need to invest time in choosing a career to make sure it is right for you.... Invest time in your qualifications to give you more choices..... Start researching by using your CareersInc school website