Welcome to the Bristol Intergenerational Network Tuesday 18 th January 2011 Louise Middleton Centre for Intergenerational Practice Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Bristol Intergenerational Network Tuesday 18 th January 2011 Louise Middleton Centre for Intergenerational Practice Manager

European Year of Solidarity Between Generations 2002 – United Nations Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing “Solidarity between generations at all levels – in families, communities and nations – is fundamental for the achievement of a society for all ages”

2009 – First European Day of Solidarity Between Generations 2012 – European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

National Picture Centre for Intergenerational Practice National Youth Agency Work with Local Authorities/Generations Together Wales / Northern Ireland / Scotland International Consortium for Intergenerational Programmes EMIL / ICIP

Partnerships National Youth Agency Manchester City Council / LA’s CSV / RSVP Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / London Youth HACT Mentoring and Befriending Foundation

Training and Resources

 The World Health Organisation describes a Healthy Community as one in which there are good social networks, a culture of mutual respect and understanding and one where people feel empowered to make decisions

Centre for Intergenerational Practice Beth Johnson Foundation