Consultation on the IC Survey Programme - outcome
Consultation In early 2008 Open to all to respond Document on website and alerts to known users Uses, priorities, views Key issues IC roles HSE 2009? ‘HSE’ 2010 onwards
Response 51 responses Department of Health (composite) Academic (20) Charity or Service (10) NHS (16) Other Govt Depts and Bodies (4)
Key messages to the IC Value of survey data to respondents Particularly the HSE but also others Eg HSE 5 th most used data in data archive 890 users, 240 organisations, 2600 requests over the last 12 months HSE 2009 is needed Almost unanimous view Particularly smoking and obesity Value of continuous series
… IC roles Strategic – strong support Standards – moderate support Advice- moderate support Commissioning for others – strong support Commissioning and funding – strong support
2010 and onwards Large range of interests and needs No overwhelming priorities All topics generated support
… Preference for scale over detail Geographical need reflected position in the universe No clear view on the trade off between frequency, geographical detail and depth of questioning
Preferred Geographical Coverage NationalRegionalLocal Academic983 NHS2410 Gov Dept/Other 653
Most important dimension
Other points Useful feedback giving design ideas Strong lobbying for dental survey Difficulties in prioritising
IC response… HSE 2009 will go ahead with a limited sample and a core survey Scope to add funded boosts but not to develop new questions Adult dental health survey to go ahead in 2009, with funding from DH
… Design and priorities comments to be fed in to work we are doing with contractors on the design of the survey for 2010 onwards Reflecting on views on the IC role
Reflection A useful exercise in building up knowledge of customers and their views A challenge given the complexity of the area A reinforcement that the surveys are used and valued A source of ideas Not a good method of establishing priorities