A level German A/S topics: DrogenErnährungSucht Urlaubstrends Transport die Medien Konflikte innerhalb der FamilieFreizeit Geschäft und IndustrieVerbrechen
Aktivitäten Debatten Filme Lieder Zeit mit der Assistentin/mit dem Assistent SprechenLachen offen sein nach Deutschland fahren – an dem Austausch teilnehmen WitzeGedichteBilder beschreiben im Internet Deutsch lesen
An extremely useful skill… Combines brilliantly with other subjects Ability in a language much sought-after by employers Chance to gain promotion/access to higher salaries International business world Global economy You show yourself to be an intelligent, flexible, logical, open- minded future employee Opportunities ultimately to work abroad Reliability, logical-thinking, broad communication skills Flexibility, incisive, sharp wit
Assessment 2 exams: Listening, Reading and Writing Speaking test
A2 course Geschichte – der zweiten Weltkrieg Ost- und Westberlin Ethik: die dritte Welt EuthanasieKlonen Rassismus Globalisierung die Umwelt
A2 course Assessment: Listening, Reading and Writing Speaking exam
How is the IB different? Can be taken at Standard or Higher Level One of six subjects (A Level – one of three or four subjects) Many similar activities in class Still chance to participate in German Exchange No separate Listening exam Half oral mark through teacher assessment in class
Strong emphasis on ability to read and write different styles of text e.g. Letter to a pen friend; formal letter; diary entry; police report See film extracts Read extracts from books Short poems Songs Newspaper and magazine articles Native speakers
No externally assessed Yr12 examinations It is a 2-yr course Class discussions/presentations assessed by teacher Final oral exam with class teacher Reading and Writing exam Writing exam All assessment takes place in Yr13 All over by end of May of Yr13
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