Debate Kit Starter
How has electricity consumption changed over time? What about production? Wikimedia Commons
How does electricity consumption vary across the week? WHY ? Source:
DEMAND = PRODUCTI ON CCGT= combined cycle gas turbines Source:
CCGT= combined cycle gas turbines How do different sources of electricity compare to each other? Source: Nuclear energy production is very steady. Wind energy production is very variable, as it depends on the weather. CCGT is used to match up the difference between demand and production.
Pictures from Wikimedia Commons How does electricity go from the power station to your home?
Adapted from: Electricity Distribution Electricity Transmission
UK’s main cities UK’s nuclear stations Electricity is often produced far from where it is most needed UK Energy Watch
Population Office of National Statistics 2011 Generation Demand Electricity flow ACS Power Flow Pattern 2009/2010 Electricity is often produced far from where it is most needed
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