Adult Dental Health Survey 2009 Methodology Ian O’ Sullivan
Adult Dental Health Survey 2009 The NHS Information Centre commissioned the survey, with funding provided by the Department of Health in England, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Department for Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) was the lead contractor working in partnership with the National Centre for Social Research, the Northern Ireland Statistic & Research Agency, and a team of academics from the Universities of Birmingham, Cardiff, Dundee, Newcastle and University College London
Outline: Design – interviewer-administered questionnaire – clinical dental examination Sample – 13,400 households – SHAs, Wales & Northern Ireland Performance – Household response – Interview response – Clinical conversion rate Weighting Issues
Design: Two stage cluster sample – Interview based questionnaire – Clinical dental examination – home-based All adults 16 and over eligible to participate in the survey All dentate adults only were invited to participate in the clinical examination
Sample: 253 Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) in England and Wales & 15 PSUs in Northern Ireland 50 addresses per PSU 13,400 households sampled 1,150 in each SHA and Wales 750 in Northern Ireland Sample stratified by country; SHA; proportion of respondents 65+; proportion of respondents in household NS-SEC 1-3; PCT
Field work was conducted in two ten-week field periods October to December 2009 January to March 2010 ONS and NatCen shared field work in England and Wales, NISRA managed all data collection in Northern Ireland
Weighting: Two weights on the dataset iweight & eweight Weighted for differential sample size Weighted for non-response (interview and examination) Output Area Classification (OAC code) used non- response weighting – Possible to adjust for non-response based on area household is in Weighted to population totals for age-by-sex group for each SHA, Wales and Northern Ireland
Issues: Calibration Inter-examiner variability Variations between SHAs