Lesson Title: Who is more important in the history of medicine: James Simpson or Joseph Lister? Know what Simpson and Lister discovered Understand how the two individuals helped surgery to develop Skills: comparison, interpreting information, explanation SAMPLE
Answers: Pain, infection and bleeding! Starter – recap During the 1800s there were three main problems during surgery that needed to be overcome. What were they? Answers: Pain, infection and bleeding! SAMPLE
Task One Draw the following set of scales over a double page in your book Using the information on the sheet add detail as to why each person is important in the improvement of surgery during the C19th Cut and stick the information from the sheet onto your drawing of the scales, you must decide which side of the scales each piece of information should go on SAMPLE Was responsible for improving problems with infection in surgery Was responsible for improving problems with pain in surgery James Simpson Joseph Lister
“The 10B prize for general medical genius” Task Two Write two paragraphs to explain how Lister and Simpson would argue that they deserve this prestigious prize. How would they explain that they deserve it more than the other? Use the writing frames to help you write your paragraphs SAMPLE I, Joseph Lister, deserve the prize because I have improved surgery in the following ways… I deserve it far more than James Simpson because… I, James Simpson, deserve the prize because I have improved surgery in the following ways… I deserve it far more than Joseph Lister because…
SAMPLE Plenary Who deserves the 10B prize for general medical genius? Oracy: Any volunteers to read out their explanations? SAMPLE