China-Finland eHealth Partnership 高明 Mikko Korpela University of Kuopio China-Finland e-health project’s first joint workshop Helsinki,


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Presentation transcript:

China-Finland eHealth Partnership 高明 Mikko Korpela University of Kuopio China-Finland e-health project’s first joint workshop Helsinki, 6 Sept 2007

China-Finland eHealth Partnership Sep 2007Cn-Fi workshop2 China-Finland eHP in a project cluster

China-Finland eHealth Partnership Sep 2007Cn-Fi workshop3 Work package structure ChinaFinlandInternationalCross-project Level 1: Cases Level 2: Guidelines Level 3: National and international standards 1.1 SMHB Pudong pilot 1.2 Other cases materials 1.3 Finnish cases liaison 2.1 SMHB guidelines 2.2 Finnish guidelines liaison 3.1 MoH working groups 3.2 Finnish standards liaison 3.3 International standards liaison 4.1 Project management4.3 Dissemination of results4.2 Capacity building

China-Finland eHealth Partnership Sep 2007Cn-Fi workshop4 Units of analysis and research cycle for action research in cases 1.Select pilots 2.Analyze workflows, evaluate technology 3.Develop target and roadmap 4.Implement with periodic evaluation

China-Finland eHealth Partnership Sep 2007Cn-Fi workshop5 Pudong pilot case setting

China-Finland eHealth Partnership Sep 2007Cn-Fi workshop6 Morning session, ● Session starting ● Introduction of Shanghai Pudong project ● Current situation at Pudong, some results ● Needs analysis at pilots, discussion ● Introduction of Finnish eHP research ● Introduction of Finnish eHP companies ● Discussion

China-Finland eHealth Partnership Sep 2007Cn-Fi workshop7 ●Anja Mursu, activity-driven requirements specification research ●Pirkko Nykänen, evaluation research ●Juha Mykkänen, architectures-interoperability-standards research ●Mikko Korpela, EHR research, Cn-Fi eHP collaboration ●Ilari Laaksonen, Acute FDS ●Timo Itälä, Conceptia ●Kalevi Voutilainen, eHIT ●Timo R. Nyberg, GoodIT ●Timo Koistinen, Mawell ●Jari Ylönen, Mylab ●Francis Tam, Nokia Research Center ●Ilkka Vartiainen, Teknia ●Timo Tarhonen, Tietotarha

China-Finland eHealth Partnership Sep 2007Cn-Fi workshop8 Afternoon session, ●Clarifying the current state and needs ●Clarifying the target state ●Possible solutions for EPR/EHR and information sharing strategy plan ●Action plan to produce the project outcomes – short term until end of 2007, roughly until end of 2008 ● Signatures for MoU by three parties ● Discussion about industry collaboration

China-Finland eHealth Partnership Sep 2007Cn-Fi workshop9 Proposed project outcomes: reports 1.Current situation of hardware and software at health organizations in Pudong in 2007 (survey) 2.Current situation and needs analysis of healthcare services, workflows, information use and information sharing in pilot sites 3.Target state of healthcare services, workflows, information use and information sharing in the whole pilot setting in 3-5 years 4.Strategy plan for citizen-centred regional health information sharing at Pudong 5.Structured core data set of electronic patient/health record (EPR/EHR) 6.Guidelines on the architecture, functionality and implementation process of citizen-centred digital healthcare 7.Evaluation of healthcare services, workflows, information use and information sharing in the pilot setting at the end