WELCOME TO FIRST GRADE North Topsail Elementary Schools Curriculum Night September 1, 2011
We are happy that you are here!!
What are we going to talk about tonight? Homework School Wide Behavioral Plan Classroom Expectations Parent Participation Curriculum Expectations for the First Quarter Math Writing Reading Social Studies/Science I & E Time
HOMEWORK Homework is due daily It is a review of the work we do in class that day Reading homework will be out of the blue reading workbook- following the story of the week Math homework will correspond with the daily math lesson from Envisions
STOP and THINK!! New School Wide Behavioral Plan Stop and Think-reinforcing positive behaviors and giving children a chance to chose their outcomes On Fridays a note will be sent home marking areas that your child needs to work on based upon the SWIM rules There will be a daily chart that monitors behaviors in and out of the classroom
STOP and THINK Expectations for First Grade 1 st offense-verbal warning 2 nd offense- gives one buck to the teacher 3 rd offense or more- the behavior is documented on the grid and the overall school behavioral plan is followed from there School expectations: 4 written offenses in one day = a trip to the office OR 6 written offenses in one week = a trip to the office Every day starts a new grid Bucks are rewarded daily
WHATS A BUCK???? We reward good behavior by handing out bucks Bucks are given out daily- clean slate Bucks are taken after the first warning Children can buy prize box items with their bucks Prize box rewards from parents are always greatly appreciated and help to keep the children on track
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Be prepared and on time to class Bring homework in daily-writing weekly Have a snack daily Sick notes need to be sent the day that the students return to class Vacations have to be approved by Mr. W using the form from the student handbook Please do not send medications of any type with your child Communications to us can be or written notes We are open for conferences except for Wednesdays
Parent Participation This Year CVCs Center Activities PTA-they need volunteers and we need parent members ($5.00 a year) Field Trips Background checks Limited spaces Limited field trips No Time to share??? Donations are always appreciated.
CURRICULUM EXPECTATIONS By the end of the year: Reading fluently and comprehend a 1.8 book or higher Write at least 3 complete and complex sentences based upon one topic with conventions and spelling in place Spell basic words, identify basic words and use them correctly Pass all AIMS Web assessments either on grade level or above Know rhyming words, parts of words, alphabetical principles, segmenting words, creating and building words All math concepts including: addition, subtraction, number sense, sets, graphing, shapes, patterns, and much more Understand the basic concepts of soil, rocks, balance, motion, liquids, solids and needs of plants and animals Understand the big idea of Communities, how they work, why they do what they do in the sense of Social Studies
MATH First Quarter: Basic number skills Numbers to 20 using a ten and five frame Writing numbers and identifying number words Basic Shapes Simple addition and subtraction Patterns Ten more and ten less
READING Start our first basal story Nightly basal reading homework Guided reading groups Basic sight words, cvc words Reading simple sentences and comprehending their meaning Reading different types of books as a class and discussing them Theres just so much we cant list it all!!
WRITING Using correct conventions Capital letters Punctuation Spacing Handwriting Complete sentences Sentences that are on one topic Transitional Words such as First, Then and Finally Adding on extension sentences
Social Studies/Science Social Studies will be our focus this quarter Thanksgiving Holidays Communities Constitution Day SCIENCE- we will do some of the basic needs of plants, sink and float