Hannah Tait
At that time they had a lot of rich food. There food was also very posh not like the food we would eat. They really liked meat and they ate a lot of it. The poor people did not have very nice food.
The rich ladies and rich men had very fancy clothes and the poor ladies wore ragged clothes the same as the Poor men.
Rich people did not have to do any work but poor people had to do lots of work for kings and queens.
Poor peoples houses were made out of sticks, wattle and daub!!
Rich people had lots of valuable things. If they were a king or queen they would live in a big palace or castle.
Poor people would not have as nice food as the rich people. Some poor people did not have any food at all or had rotten food!! YUCK!
Tudor castles were enormous and strong to keep kings and queens safe. Poor people lived in small houses.
In 1500 they liked to do all sorts of things like dancing, reading, painting and going to balls !
If you were rich in 1500 you would need lots of wepons to protect your self also in case of any battles. They would have had things like swords and guns.
The people that were rich did not have to do lots of work. They had slaves and poor people to do their dirty work for them.
Before they had the first toilet (that was gold) they dug a pit in ground and did their business in there! I would not fancy doing my business in that! Yuck! The first ever toilet they had was gold and shiny and it belonged to Elizabeth 1th!!!
In battles you would need a very good army to help you win the Battle!! You would also need very good Weapons.
In battles it would be very scary because there would be lots of Soldiers. In these types of battles you would need a very good army and weapons.