Jack Woodhams York FIS
Why bother? Who we spoke to and findings How it works The website What now?
The new SEN Reforms – Sept 2014 Local authorities are expected to publish a clear, transparent ‘local offer’ of services, developed with parents and young people, so everyone knows what is available. A single place, which helps people to understand what services they and their family can expect from a range of local agencies. This includes: information on services in education; health and social care and legal rights.
From consultation with parents and professionals, the website is something on a local level that is needed Regularly updated website, continually changing as provisions do Website can be updated instantly Education, Health and Care Plan My manager challenged me to create the best local offer website in England
FINDINGS – what people wanted from their local offer: Simple to use and easy to navigate, no jargon and simple language (not too wordy). Prior to diagnoses support. Phone number, to speak to someone LOCAL OFFER name?????? Signpost to useful, relevant websites and organisations Signpost to more in-depth information if needed. Search bar Q&A (common questions) Case studies Who we spoke to and findings Time For You groups, CANDI monthly meeting, Integrated Service Conference & National Meeting, Sheffield.
The site will be managed by FIS new Info Officer – Elizabeth Webster We must ensure parents are aware of it, use it and take ownership of it HOW WE DO THIS: You???? Families can register with the FIS+ to receive regular information. Grown by in 2013 Families will receive three newsletters a year and a free MAX card.
Mobile phones at the ready iPads at the ready Laptops at the ready