What have you done today to make you feel proud? " What have you done today to make you feel proud?“ What a fantastic song. Thank you Chaniya. Every time you help someone to see, do, be or have more than they have, you should feel proud. YOU should be proud of the opportunity you have with FM to change lives on a daily basis. Become a story teller and build your business. So "what have you done today to make you feel proud?“
Would it be ok if you never had to go to work again? Lynda Ncube
Would it be ok if…..? I have a fantastic story. It takes just 2 minutes It might make you a lot of money, ££££££££ might not Want to hear it?
Would it be ok Would it be ok if you never had to go to work again?
Lets just think about this.
So, how much MONEY would you need……?. So, how much money would you need to live on, so that you would never have to go to work again?
Well, you know how.... people love high quality perfumes,
Well you know how makeup
Most people Most people know that they are very expensive. Well, there is a company called FM that saves you 70% on luxury perfumes and cosmetics.
Now, if you never wanted to go to work again. All you have to do is get 350 people or more to regularly use FM perfumes and products
Now you don’t know how to…… Now, I know that you don’t know how to get 350 people to use FM products on a regular basis, but you can learn.
You learned how to Read
You learned how to Drive a Car
So you can learn a SYSTEM to get 350 people or more to use FM products on a regular basis.
So what is going to be easier? To continue going to work everyday or to LEARN a SYSTEM to get 350 people or more to use FM products on a regular basis so that you never have to go to work again?
Learn the Skills IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO THIS FOR MONEY…, LEARN THE SKILLS Success is a skill you can learn. Learn to succeed.
So,……. So what would you like to do next?
Why “Would it be ok” works and how it can work for you Would it be ok to explain why these sequence of words work and why you should teach them to your teams? There are 2 types of distributors in the world those who learn the skills and teach them and those who don’t.
Learn the sequence of words I have a fantastic story. (people love stories) It takes 2 minutes( No time, busy. People switch off. 2 mins = NOW)
It might…might not…. It might make you a lot of money, might not (people start to shut down when money is mentioned. MUST SAY “might not” so that they relax again and listen)
Ask them……. Want to hear it? (Asking permission… Response generally, yes)
Ask and create vision Would it be ok if….. ( when the mind hears this sequence of words it is programmed to say YES) You never have to go to work again? (You can create INSTANT VISION with this sentence)
The World is ours
So, how much MONEY would you need……?. So, how much money would you need to live on, so that you would never have to go to work again?
So how much MONEY….? Most people will avoid asking and answering. Very, very important question which you MUST ask and get an answer. DO NOT move on until this question is answered..
Well, you know how.... people love high quality perfumes
Well, you know how…. They are very expensive (State a couple of facts which people can identify with)
More Facts Well, there is a company called FM that saves…….. (Since the previous 2 facts were true whatever follows must be true.)
Now, if you never wanted to go to work again. All you have to do is get 350 people to regularly use FM perfumes and products
Now you don’t know how to…. Now I know that you don’t know how to get 350 people to use FM products, but you can LEARN
Proof: You learned how to Read
Proof You learned how to drive a Car
So you can learn a SYSTEM to get 350 people to use FM products on a regular basis.
So what is going to be easier for you? To continue to go to work everyday or to learn a system……. ( when put this way you have taken your prospect through a systematic process in a very short space of time)
So what did I do with this info? text of the first 4 lines to some team members and friends to see what would happen: 1.I have a fantastic story 2.It takes just 2 minutes 3.It might make you a lot of money might not. 4.Want to hear it?
What did I do next? to the team and prospects. 1.I have a fantastic story 2.It takes just 2 minutes 3.Might make you a lot of money, might not. 4.Want to hear it? Then I waited
Result ” yes, it would be okay if I never have to work again. About £2000 pcm. Yes, it would be ok for me to learn the skills.” (South Africa) “learn how to get 350 people to use FM products” (Nigeria) “Thank you for the information, please can you please update me on how to participate.”(Nigeria)
Summary Learn the sequence of words. Commercial language is not the same as social language and the rewards are significantly different. Learn the skills to be successful in this business and then take MASSIVE action
What have you done today to make you feel proud?