Student IT Induction Tuesday 3rd September Dominic Bown Alex Clark
Welcome The IT Department, made up of the IT Manager, Dominic Bown, and the IT Officer Alex Clark. –Ground floor Lankester Building – –or phone ( ) during office hours. Out of office hours assistance by the Computer Scholar(s) Phone no. available from Interviews for this post will commence early in Michaelmas Term.
Computer room in ASC Networked PCs, colour printers / scanner copier, wifi. Office, Endnote, SPSS and other software. 24 hour access. UserID and password are your SSO / login format : College fob required for access.
Printing Printing is via Papercut, our managed print solution, offering colour printing, remote printing, copying and scanning up to A3.
Personal computers Support provided on a goodwill basis where time allows, and at your own risk. Very limited hardware support. All users (including Mac Users) MUST: –have up-to-date antivirus software; –have a firewall; –have the latest security patches
Internet in your room There is wireless access in all College accommodation, via OWL and Eduroam. You’ll need to activate your Remote Access account to gain access from Configuration guides on GTC or OUCS website.
Sophos Anti-virus Free to all students. Installation instructions at: information/obtaining-antivirus-software.html Virus infected machines will be blocked from network access by OUCS, and have to be checked by IT before access can resume. Please try and keep you machines virus free.
VPN Remote access to the university network + OWL Wireless Useful for online library access granted only to the university network. Activate Remote Access account, setup a password, and download the VPN client software
Where to get software OUCS online shop (including discounted Endnote) Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013 £94.95 SPSS, Nvivo are free, media available from IT Department
Accounts Computing services will have sent your Oxford Username / SSO and activation code to your registered address It is essential that you activate this account. The activation code is valid for 30 days
Accounts Your SSO provides access to : Nexus Personal webspace Weblearn - online course materials In most cases, Nexus will receive mail sent to both : Students at the business school will receive separate details for accessing your departmental account.
Accounts Essential to test your GTC address to receive mail. Your College bills (Battels), and most College information is distributed to your GTC address, so it must be active and regularly checked.
Network Security Read and implement the security advice found at: information/network-security.html Some initial time spent on securing your machine may save many hours of recovery work later. If you have trouble with any of the above procedures, book a time with IT Support
Network Support Spy-trojan zbot – keylogger (captures banking details). Web drive by hijack Identity theft – and Facebook - money requests Phishing Fake Anti-virus messages
Banned Software Most peer to peer (file sharing) software. Illegal music / video sharing software. Examples include: Vuze, LimeWire, eDonkey, Kazaa, Napster, Bittorrent and uTorrent The University will pursue any legal notices
Peer to Peer Software Use will result in loss of access from the University network. Breech of copyright is a legal matter –Illegal downloads of music, video and other data. –knowingly or unknowingly acting as a distribution node on illegal networks. Minimum penalty is a loss of internet access until the matter is resolved, and a fine. Infringements may result in disciplinary action. More details can be found at :
Backing up your Data USB memory sticks, , external hard disks TSM backup software Details for set up can be found on the OUCS website. College filestore in the computer room
University IT Services Oxford University IT Services, 13 Banbury Road Tel : (2) Offer a wide range of facilities : Helpdesk Good quality, free IT courses including Apple certified and self-teach materials, including ECDL – book online Mac Warranty Repairs Colour Printing, Photocopying, scanning USB stick support and file recovery Video editing Video Conferencing Booth
IT Services Hardware Repairs Charged hardware repair service. Apple warranty repairs Laptop insurance. – strongly recommended. Approx £30 Hardware repairs / replacements. Recommended for laptops out of warranty =Introduction
IT Services Online iTunesU - Smart phones –