Students’ experience of the process of practice assessment; a multi-professional case study from Social work, Midwifery and Emergency Care. Tracey Proctor-Childs;


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Presentation transcript:

Students’ experience of the process of practice assessment; a multi-professional case study from Social work, Midwifery and Emergency Care. Tracey Proctor-Childs; Deputy Head of school (learning and teaching),Nursing and community studies Margaret Fisher, Midwifery Lecturer, Placement development team leader

Aims of the study The development of Generic Guidelines for ASSESSMENT OF PRACTICE which are relevant across professional boundaries and embedded in contemporary evidence, contributing to the Ceppl ethos of transforming the student experience and enhancing Inter- professional placements

The Research Questions 1.What are perceptions of validity and reliability of the practice assessment methods? 2.What are perceptions of the impact of the practice assessment process on the student learning experience?

Participants Midwifery students undertaking a direct entry 3 year programme Midwifery students undertaking an 18 month shortened programme Social work students undertaking a 3 year programme Emergency Care Practitioners undertaking a post qualifying 1year full time or 2 years part time programme Students mentors/practice assessors and lecturers who participated in the assessment of practice were also recruited

Definitions Practice The application and development of the appropriate skills and knowledge to the professional role in the environment where that professional activity takes place Practice learning Distinguished by the framework of support, teaching and assessment for students on professional programmes, working alongside others to deliver a service to the public as part of their course

For the purposes of this research Practice Assessment: May not necessarily take place in the clinical/ practice environment, but must incorporate practice Involves both formative and summative elements Includes all the evidence contributing to the judgement about whether the student can progress or not in practice

Specific tools The CRAG document (midwifery) The student led verification tool (post qualifying health studies) Graded assessment of practice (social work and midwifery)

Other methods of practice assessment Portfolios Conversations with users OSCE’s Reflections Specific practice competences for midwifery which are shared with nursing students

Methodology 1. Longitudinal case study over 3 years, following the student’s journey from start to completion of their programme. Students from Midwifery, Emergency Care and Social Work degree programmes are participating. 2. Focus groups/ interviews of staff involved in practice assessment, exploring their views. 3. Literature searching and conference networking, to seek and give a wider airing to other examples of excellent practice within the assessment of professional practice. 4. Evaluation of assessment documentation 5. Exploration of latent aspects of learning and its impact on professionalism

Methodology All students were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire based on an extended literature review and on focus groups during which final year students explored the nature and purpose of practice assessment. The interviews take place after the final year one assessment of practice and before the results from the award boards. The interviewers were the lead researchers and other members of the research team and included practitioners and ex-students. The interviews were tape recorded and transcribed by the interviewers all transcripts were returned to the participants for verification and for any additional comments they wished to make.

Methodology The participants were given the name and contact details of their interviewer who they could contact at any point after the interview and before interviews took place in year 2 for any further comments they wished to make in relation to practice assessment. In an effort to reduce bias and enhance depth of data students are interviewed by a researcher who does not share the same professional background as the participant

Results Transcripts were analysed by the two lead researchers which resulted in an initial identification of themes. Single-case and cross-case analysis and synthesis will be conducted as the study progresses The framework techniques as described by Ritchie and Spencer (1994) will facilitate this process.

Findings Purpose Process Guidance

Methods of assessment Achievement of learning Provides focus Jumping through hoops Creative accounting

Processes Positive forms of learning Attributes Workload Organisation Ethical concerns Involvement of others Self assessment Professional judgement

Preparation Facilitation Obstruction

Facilitating consistency and inconsistency Involvement of others Clarity and consistency Student influence

Normal practice Reality versus artificially created reality Real world practice Discipline clarity and role expectations

What should this result in? Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Impact on learning Personal Professional Educational

Other issues Programme Politics Personal

Changes after year 1 Comments about assessment fed back to programme teams How we give students information Review of shared competences Review of SLVT Review of portfolios IPL days with physiotherapy, podiatry, dietetics on portfolios as a method of practice assessment

Selected References Calman,L. Watson, al (2002) Assessing practice of student nurses: methods, preparation of assessors and students views Journal of Advanced Nursing 38(5) Crossley, J. Humphris, al (2002) Assessing health professionals Medical Education 36(9) Ritchie,J. Spencer,L. (1984) Qualitative data analysis for applied policy research. In Bryman, A. Burgess,R.G (eds) Analyzing Qualitative data London Routledge