How to Answer Paper 2 Questions Simple student guide – Higher History
4 types of Questions How Fully – 10 marks (spend 25 mins) How Far – 10 marks (spend 25 mins) How Useful – 5 marks (spend 15 mins) Comparison – 5 marks (spend 15 mins) The questions could appear in any order, but you will be asked one question for each pf the four issues
1. How Far You will be asked about a very specific issue i.e. DORA or the Battle of Loos Up to 4 marks from source Up to 7 from own knowledge
1. How Far Steps Short intro – what the source mentions, what it misses out Pick out points from source, back up with own knowledge Add detailed points of own knowledge on the topic Short conclusion summing up source content and omission
2. How Fully You will be asked about a very broad topic i.e. The effect of the war on Scottish society (issue 2) Up to 4 marks from source Up to 7 from own knowledge
2. How Fully Steps Short intro – what the source mentions, what it misses out Pick out points from source, back up with own knowledge Add detailed points of own knowledge on the issue Short conclusion summing up source content and omission
3. How Useful You will be given a source and asked how useful the source is as evidence of an issue You need to assess the reliability of the source Origin/ Purpose (2marks) Source content (2 marks) Your own knowledge (2 marks)
3. How Useful Steps Intro sentence – what makes the source useful, what it misses out Discuss origin and purpose and whether they make the source more/ less useful Pick out 2 points from the source and back up with own knowledge Add 2 points own knowledge on the issue Concluding sentence
4. Comparison You will be given two sources on one topic and asked to compare the views They could agree, disagree or a mixture of both You should compare them overall (2 marks) and in detail (4 marks)
4. Comparison Steps ALWAYS USE HIGHLIGHTERS TO PICK OUT MATCHING POINTS! Introduction – explain what the sources agree and disagree on overall Pick out the detailed comparisons and compare them without quoting directly (paraphrase)