TIARA-PP Final meeting 25 – 27 November 2013 Work package 3 Accelerator R&D infrastructures Anders Unnervik 1
WP3 Partner institutes CEA: Antoine Daël ( and Francois Kircher) CERN: Anders Unnervik (WP Coordinator) CNRS: Bernard Launé CIEMAT: Diego Obradors-Campos DESY: Hans Weise GSI: Kei Sugita INFN: Paolo Pierini (Franco Cervelli) PSI: Thomas Schietinger (Deputy WP Coordinator) STFC: Peter McIntosh Uppsala Univ.: Roger Ruber IFJ PAN: Slawomir Wronka Anders Unnervik 2
Objectives Integrate and optimize the European infrastructures for accelerator R&D WP3.1 A web-based database of existing, currently developed and planned accelerator R&D infrastructures (ARIs) WP3.2 Compare the outcome of WP3.1 with the current and future needs for Accelerator R&D (Needs defined by WP4). WP3.3 Analyse options for sharing and developing ARIs with industry. WP3.4 Define a technology roadmap for the development of future accelerator components in industry WP3.5 Propose structures that can ensure the sustainability of the process described in WP3.2 and propose a common costing method for the operation, upgrade and construction of individual large ARIs. WP3.6 Propose general access policies and modalities for accessing ARIs. WP3.7 Investigate models for linking between them different levels of infrastructures and establish criteria and procedures for joining TIARA. Anders Unnervik 3
4 Gantt chart
Anders Unnervik Milestone/ deliverableDescriptionDate Milestone MS 8Nomination of WPC for each ARAJan 2011/ July Milestone MS 9Interim Infrastructure Survey reportAugust 2011/ Oct 2011 Deliverable D 3.1Infrastructure Survey ReportDec 2011/Feb 2012 Deliverable D 3.2Infrastructure Web-based DatabaseApril 2012/May 2012 Milestone MS 10Presentation of the IWD to the TIARA collaboratorsMay 2012/June 2012 Milestone MS 11Interim Infrastructure Need and Resource comparison August 2012/July 2013 Milestone MS 12Presentation of structure proposals for joining TIARASept 2012/Nov 2012 Deliverable D 3.3Infrastructure Need and resource comparisonDecember 2012/Dec 2013 Deliverable D 3.4Infrastructure Access reportDecember 2012/Feb 2013 Deliverable D 3.5Report on Potential Upgrades and/or Construction of New R&D Infrastructures in Europe June 2013/Dec 2013 Deliverable D 3.6Joining the TIARA distributed accelerator R&D infrastructure and defining structures for sustaining and maintaining the infrastructure database Sep 2013/Dec Done Milestones & deliverables
Anders Unnervik 6 These are available on the TIARA webpage
Survey of accelerator R&D infrastructures in Europe Anders Unnervik 7 Deliverable D 3.1 Infrastructure Survey Report Deliverable D 3.2 Web-based Infrastructure Database
Survey of accelerator R&D infrastructures in Europe 137 infrastructures “listed” in 15 countries. Anders Unnervik Austria 1 Czech Rep 1 Denmark 1 Finland 1 France18 Germany13 Italy15 Netherlands 2 Poland 8 Romania 3 Slovenia 1 Spain 7 Sweden 4 Switzerland50 UK12 Infrastructure data base, updated 20 November 2013
Anders Unnervik Username: tiarapublic password: 69w%W)7Hp(9f
Survey of accelerator R&D infrastructures in Europe Anders Unnervik 10 Deliverable D 3.4 Infrastructure Access report Sharing and developing R&D infrastructures jointly with industry Analysis of access for industry to existing infrastructures Determine the criteria and the rules for sharing R&D infrastructures Investigating financial models for developing joint R&D infrastructures Technology roadmap for accelerator component development Basic components and materials that are today strategic
Next deliverables Anders Unnervik 11 Already presented by Antoine Daël Deliverable D 3.3 Infrastructure Need and Resource Comparison Deliverable D 3.5 Report on Potential Upgrades and/or Construction of new R&D Infrastructures Deliverable D 3.6 Joining TIARA and defining structures for sustaining and maintaining the infrastructure database
Next deliverables Anders Unnervik 12 Deliverable D 3.6 Joining TIARA and defining structures for sustaining and maintaining the infrastructure database Joining TIARA Criteria Procedures Policy and modalities of accessing TIARA for laboratories For industry Estimation of operation cost Structure and actions for ensuring sustainability Coordination with other infrastructures Costing methods for the construction and upgrade of infrastructures With WP2
Joining TIARA A list of “Necessary criteria to join the TIARA distributed accelerator R&D infrastructure” and a “Procedure to join the TIARA distributed accelerator R&D infrastructure” A committee, composed of TIARA representatives, will evaluate if the candidate meets all criteria and if the infrastructures proposed would be of interest for TIARA. The committee will prepare an evaluation report and make a recommendation to the TIARA governing body who will decide whether or not the candidate can join TIARA. Anders Unnervik 13 How to chose the infrastructures That can be included in TIARA?
Submit a request to become a TIARA member in accordance with a defined procedure Be active in the field of accelerator technology research (KARAs) Be a legal entity (organization, company, etc.) Be European (incl. countries associated with the EU Framework programmes and in International cooperation partner countries (e.g. Israel, Russia, Switzerland and Turkey) Have its own accelerator R&D infrastructure(s) and agree to provide access to it/them for other TIARA members under conditions to be agreed upon Accept that each TIARA member may have restrictions for the use of its infrastructures Accept to report periodically on its activities related to TIARA Anders Unnervik 14 Criteria to join TIARA Joining TIARA
Which infrastructures to include from the beginning? Invite all institutes/organizations that have declared that they have infrastructures that would, in principle, be available for the members of TIARA, to reply in writing if they meet the criteria and if so, Indicate which of their infrastructures they propose to provide access to. As agreed in the WP2/GC meeting of 7/06/2013 a letter was prepared to be sent through the respective GC and/or WP3 representatives for the infrastructures. For each lab, the letter included a list of all infrastructures at the lab concerned. 41 letters have been sent Anders Unnervik 15 Joining TIARA
Which infrastructures to include from the beginning? Positive replies from the following institutes/labs (27) Denmark (1) ISA/Aarhus University Finland (1) University of Jyväskylä France (6) CEA Grenoble, CEA Saclay, CNRS Grenoble, CNRS Orsay, Ecole Polytechnique, Synchrotron SOLEIL Germany (3)DESY, HZDR, GSI Netherlands (1) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Poland (2)Wroclaw University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology Slovenia(1)Jozef Stefan Institute Spain (5)CIEMAT, CMAM, CNA, ALBA, IFIC Sweden (2)The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala University UK (5)STFC Daresbury, STFC Swindon, STFC Oxfordshire, STFC Warrington, University of Strathclyde Anders Unnervik 16 Joining TIARA
Initial TIARA infrastructures Which infrastructures to include from the beginning? Anders Unnervik 17 Approx 50% In principle open for external users
List of WP3 meetings Anders Unnervik 18 MeetingDateVenueAttendanceObjective(s) Kick-off meeting23-24 Feb 2011CERN9Launch TIARA-PP WP3 meetings Jan 2011CERN5 Review WP3 objectives, milestones and deliverables. Establish work plan 4 July 2011CERN8(1)* Review survey of R&D infrastructures, discuss requirements for the web-based database 7 Oct 2011CERN9(1)Review survey, agree on Interim ISR 15 Nov 2011CERN5(1)Review Survey, progress in General WP3 meetings Jan 2012CERN7(1)Review Survey report 20 March 2012CERN5 (2)Review Database 4 May 2012CERN7Review Database Mid-term meeting12-14 June 2012CIEMAT6Review Survey, progress in General WP3 meetings September 2012CERN9Review progress in general 26 November 2012PSI3(5)Review INR and IAR WP3 meeting January 2013CERN9Review INR and IAR 22 March 2013CERN7(1)Review INR 26 April 2013CERN2(4)Review INR 29 May 2013CERN6Review INR 2 July 2013Phone(6)Review INR 16 September 2013CERN6Review INR and JTI Final meeting25-27 Nov 2013STFC DaresburyReview INR and JTI * Attendance in person (attendance via phone or web)
Anders Unnervik 19