Modern Apprenticeship in Food Manufacture Martin Spain Training Coordinator
Employ 850 people across the UK 3 packing sites 1 seed 1 food processing Rowe Farming 30 plus 600 Agency Greenvale Grower Co-op; 50 grower members; 8,000 acres. (21 in Scotland) 3,500 acres own growing Profit of £6 – 7 million over the last 3 years Greenvale AP
Craigswalls – purpose built 20 yrs ago 180 staff Service Tesco (predominantly) Currently 1575 tonnes (1250 Tesco), ranges between 1000 – 2000 tonnes a week 1,800 acres own growing £40m turnover BRC Accreditation Investor in People – 2008 Environmental Accreditation ISO Safety Accreditation ISO Approved SQA Centre – 2011 Greenvale - Duns
Lack of talent coming through Shift patterns Age restrictions Natural part of Greenvale’s evolution To attract more people to our business at all levels, Potatoes aren’t sexy Why an Apprenticeship?
Facilitate training and documentation that will benefit operations Assist in the development of a learning culture Increase base knowledge and understanding Support career development by enabling progression within the business Offers greater staff retention through increased job satisfaction Why an Apprenticeship?
Greenvale Process Commence Recruitment Parents Visits in May Commence Work in June Introduction into the business Internal SVQ Induction Commence SVQ in September £50 Incentive per Unit Completed Production support during busy periods A Job Guaranteed
Modern Apprenticeship in Food Manufacture based around SVQ level 2 in Production Control Skills - on site training Launched in June 2011, we currently have 6 Apprentices on the programme Weekly sessions to improve underpinning knowledge Foundation Certificate in Food Hygiene Modern Apprenticeship in Food Manufacture
What they’ve been doing Celox – state of the art optical scanner IDT – computerised transfer of product from wash lines to storage bins to packers Labelling – packaging, traceability and customer compliance Pack Hall – bagging of potatoes, working with team, meeting quality standards QC – potato quality, traceability and checks through intake, wash lines and finished product Modern Apprenticeship in Food Manufacture
Excellent support from SQA, Improve, BCC, Berwickshire High School and Jim Taylor Progression in some key roles has been outstanding Assistance requested from Managers Positive publicity The transition into the world of work We’re under pressure! Getting qualified Recruit up to 4 apprentice’s in June Apprentice’s to take up full employment Outward bound World domination The Story so Far….What Next?
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