Protecting our communities together North Forum Date: 6 th February 2014 Safer Neighbourhood Team Sergeant: Roger Fildes
Data Protection notice When discussing members of the public, all agencies and individuals will agree to respect their confidentiality. The disclosure of information outside this meeting, should not occur unless there is a legal basis for a disclosure. Community Priorities Warwickshire Police is obliged to protect communities from harm in line with the ‘Police Priorities’ This may mean in exceptional circumstances SNT officers may be required to work on other policing priorities. If this happens there will be a need to re-negotiate priorities. This will be done in liaison with the Chair of the panel
Forum Priorities 1.ASB & Nuisance- Baxterley, Baddesley Ensor re Nuisance Motor Bikers & Anti Social Behaviour (25 Targeted Patrols ). 2.ASB & Nuisance- Abbey Green, Pavilion & Tithe Barn areas (25 Targeted Patrols). 3.ASB & Nuisance- Derek Ave. Flat Complex & Play Area. Long St. & Brown’s Lane Dordon: Traffic Offences (25 Targeted Patrols).
ASB- Baxterley, Baddesley Ensor re Nuisance Motor Bikers & Anti Social Behaviour (25 visits = 100% agreed Policing activity ) 30+ TARGETED PATROLS CONDUCTED. Regular Patrols carried out by Local SNT & also Reactive (Patrol) units. Off Road Team carried out sporadic patrols Several warnings issued to vehicles thought to transport Motorbikes (not seen again).
ASB & Nuisance- Derek Ave. Flat Complex & Play Area. Long St. & Brown’s Lane Dordon: Traffic Offences (25 visits = 100% agreed Policing activity ) 45+ TARGETED PATROLS CONDUCTED. Checks undertaken by Local SNT, Specials Vehicle & high visibility patrols conducted using Long St. & Browns Ln. as a ‘Through Route’. Foot Patrols conducted at various times of day & night with youths moved on as & when found. Vehicles parked illegally issued warnings in the 1 st instance with no subsequent repeat offences (Prosecution for repeats).
ASB & Nuisance- Abbey Green, Pavilion & Tithe Barn areas (25 patrols = 100 % agreed Policing activity) 38+ TARGETED PATROLS CONDUCTED Frequent checks have been conducted by SNT, Special Constabulary & Reactive Units. Nuisance Vehicles & drivers advised & warned in the 1 st instance with no subsequent repeat offending. Several ‘High Visibility’ Operations carried out in this area. Youth Organisations also engaging in this area (Abbey Green)
TEAM NEWS NORTH – Old Bank House telephone number is now via ‘101’ or if you wish to leave a message visit “WARWICKSHIRE POLICE” Safer Neighbourhoods website for voic and contacts & further information Any events please inform us. PC 575 Mark Jackson, PCSO 6098 Simeon Hodson & PCSO 6154 Mick Harle & the Special’s Team. Thank you for your continuing support. or
Thank you for your time. Contact your team should you have any concerns. PC 575 Mark Jackson PCSO 6098 Simeon Hodson & PCSO 6154 Mick Harle, ASS 3705 Dicken, SC 3417 Jackson, SC 3432 Lambert, SC 3449 Perry SC 3464 Price, SC 3195 Snell, SC 3195 Brown Tel: Web: