What am I? Images of Native American Culture You have to select the correct answer to identify the object.
Image 1 A. Grave marker B. Decorated flag pole C. Totem pole D. Chief’s staff
Image 1 Correct answer: C Totem poles A pole is a symbol of unity, tradition and pride. It represents a family's histories, relationships, stories, beliefs and experiences. A pole shows animals and mythical figures associated with a family - they are called crests. They were not religious icons.crestsicons
Image 2 A. Chief’s headdress B. Canoe C. Woven coat for children D. American Bison
Image 2 Correct answer: D American Bison (buffalo) The bison originally inhabited the Great Plains of the United States and Canada in massive herds, ranging from the Great Slave Lake in Canada's far north to Mexico in the south, and from eastern Oregon almost to the Atlantic Ocean Great PlainsUnited StatesCanadaherdsGreat Slave Lake MexicoOregon Atlantic Ocean
Image 3 A. Decorated Table B. Canoe C. Cooking Pot D. Ceremonial Shield
Image 3 Correct answer: B Canoe CanoesCanoes is the form of transportation used by Native American tribes living near rivers, lakes and oceans. The construction and style of canoe varies from region to region, but is most often dugout and bark styles. Indians built these birch-bark canoes by trial and error.
Image 4 A. Turkey B. Girl’s skirt C. Headdress D. Blanket
Image 4 Correct answer: c Ceremonial Headdress Nearly every Native American tribe had its own distinctive style of dress, and the people could often tell each other's tribal identities by looking at their clothes, headdresses, and ornamentation
Image 5 A. Ceremonial staff B. Tomahawk C. Horse Decoration D. Candle holder
Image 5 Correct answer: B Tomahawk Tomahawk hatchet generally used by Native North Americans as a hand weapon and as a missile. The earliest tomahawks were made of stone, with one edge or two edges sharpened (sometimes the stone was globe shaped).