Health Projects in the South West Mark Bridges Regional Health Lead Natural England
Integration Health is a specific topic area, but also integrated within other topic areas as well Such as the benefits of the Access To Natural Green Space Standard (ANGST) Volunteering Activities on NNRS, LNRs, National Parks, AONBs etc Promotion of access to the countryside etc
Specific Health Projects Sustainability SW – Planting Places Swindon GE Pilot – Woodland Games Expansion of WHI
3G Woodland Games Swindon has a very high GDP High levels of poor health Activities using the Great Western Community Forest Focussing on Families (3 Generations) Encouraging activity by “Stealth”, aiming to make using the countryside fun
Very successful initiative 20 schemes funded in the SW, now 45+ Growing sustainable, and involving a wide range of partnerships Huge potential to create new partnerships and expand influence E.g. NHS Alliance
NE Funding The Credit Crunch! Develop the evidence base Need to be even more participative and/or develop new partnerships