Supporting Manufacturing in the South West 8 th November 2012 Brian Fowler Semta Operations – South West
Who are Semta? Mission ‘To help UK businesses achieve global competitiveness by improving skills Representing the following Sectors: Aerospace, Automotive, Electrical, Electronics, Maintenance, Marine, Mechanical, Composites and Metals Recover our position to the TOP 10 to the TOP 10 The Sector Skills Council for - Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies 132,000 Companies & 1.7M Employees
T: The Challenge Skills Issues: Gaps and shortages The Age Profile Technicians Higher level skills Future Projections: Technical Roles Annual requirement UK 98,000 South West 10,000 Only 11% of Companies Recruit Apprentices
Productivity & Competitiveness Strategic Workforce Planning Technical Workforce Development Leadership & Management 1. Business Improvement Techniques 2. Lean Techniques 1. Technical Skills 2. All Age Apprenticeships 3. Up skilling 1. Apprenticeships 2. Image & attractiveness 3. Careers Grow the number of trained leaders and managers to world class standards Themes for Action
Projects: Supply Chain Supply Chain Apprentices Apprentices Graduates Graduates A new Programme
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