South Norfolk Patient Involvement Event April 30 th 2014, Wymondham Susan Ringwood – Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement, NHS South Norfolk CCG Governing Body
“The NHS belongs to the people. It is there to improve our health and wellbeing, supporting us to keep mentally and physically well, to get better when we are ill, and when we cannot fully recover, to stay as well as we can to the end of our lives.” The NHS Constitution
Patients have the right To access care when and where they need it To be involved in the decisions on the care they receive at every stage – “No decision about me without me” To receive the highest quality of care To have the voice of patients and carers at the heart of how health care services operate
The public has an important role too To hold the NHS accountable to the service it provides To be involved in decisions about how local health and social care services operate To provide feedback and opinion on the service you receive
NHS South Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group Clinically-led NHS commissioning organisation Covering 26 Member Practices in South Norfolk Responsible for a population of 220,000 people Accountable to NHS England and local patients
What is commissioning? The budgeting, designing and purchasing of services Within NHS context – the commissioning of health and social care services that support the work being done by local GPs Services like Urgent & Emergency Care, Community Nursing, Reablement Services – and many more
How is the CCG run? The CCG is a Membership organisation Each Practice sends representatives to a Council of Members which holds South Norfolk CCG accountable SNCCG led by Governing Body Governing Body consists of GPs / Practice Managers from across South Norfolk Two Lay Members – Patient and Public Involvement / Governance
Commitment to Involvement Patients and the public are involved at the start and throughout all commissioning Information is accessible to the public to explain decisions and encourage involvement ‘Patients as experts’ – individuals involved in shaping how services could work more effectively The voice of Practices – listening and responding to the needs of South Norfolk
Patient & Public Involvement – Examples IAPT (Mental Wellbeing) Service Public consultation across Norfolk Local Practices / PPGs asked to respond Diabetes Pathway Involve local people to review and design support services for people diagnosed with diabetes Creation of communication materials and tone of information
Patient Participation Groups A partnership of patients, GPs and Practice Staff to ensure high quality, local care at your Practice.
Patient Participation Groups PPGs, PRGs and PLGs! PPGs as a partnership within Primary Care Real / Virtual PPGs – both have important roles Representation across a patient population A key role in supporting Patient Surveys, CQC inspections, Flu Clinic days, health promotion
You told us… PPGs should be in closer contact and communication We have a wealth of experience to share Health and social care is going through change – we want to be a part of that There are skills we would like to develop We should explore ways of working collectively
Today’s Event: Meet PPG members from across South Norfolk Discuss and exchange ideas around what PPGs are doing, and what we can learn from each other Understand the ‘Friends and Family’ Test and what it means for Practices Agree next steps and actions
NHS South Norfolk CCG’s vision: PPGs are in closer communication Given opportunities to develop / provide support Actively engaged and involved in the progress of South Norfolk CCG ‘South Norfolk Patient Forum’ – steered by PPGs
Thank you. Contact me: Susan Ringwood NHS South Norfolk CCG Governing Body – Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement