WELCOME TO ST. BERNADETTE’S The purpose of our meeting is to: explain a little about our ethos introduce you to members of our community give you some information provide an opportunity for you to ask questions
Thank you Thank you for choosing St Bernadette’s and for entrusting us with the care and education of your child. We believe in partnership working to achieve the very best for all the children in the school and also sometimes for the good of children in other local schools as well.
ST. BERNADETTE’S… We are a happy school We recognise each child is a unique individual We have high expectations We offer a challenging curriculum We have a team of excellent staff The school has been awarded the ICT Mark, Rights respecting school award, healthy schools award and Artsmark Gold.
What did Ofsted say about us in May 2014? Pupils feel very safe in school and behave well due to the school’s very caring and supportive ethos. The school has an outstanding commitment to pupils’ well-being. Pupils and their parents report that bullying is rare. Teamwork is excellent. Throughout the school, pupils are well taught. The school benefits from strong leadership The promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding. Governors are knowledgeable and supportive. They challenge the school well and fulfil their duties effectively.
Our Catholic school : is an inclusive community built on love, interaction and collaboration. treats every individual person as a child of God called to share in God’s own life forever. takes its inspiration from the ministry of Christ and gospel values.
EDUCATION IS A PARTNERSHIP Parents are the the first educators of their children. The children come into school with Your values Your principles Your morals We build on what you have already started.
DISCIPLINE Discipline at St. Bernadette’s is firm but kind We love and respect the children In order for the relationship between home and school to benefit your child we humbly suggest that : It is not a good idea to criticise a teacher/school in front of a child It is best not to get involved in playground gossip …come in.
INDUCTION Working closely with nurseries and pre school sessions Drop In and Play sessions Home Visits Classes chosen Will amalgamate at end of Year R and then divide into three groups.
Sharing information Crucial to recognise what the children have already achieved Record of achievement (statutory document) passed between settings Please remind preschool to pass it on to us!
Home visits Lasting 20/30 minutes A chance to find out more about your child Pets, siblings, likes, dislikes, medication, languages spoken An opportunity to discuss any worries or concerns!
Start Dates Monday 8th September is the start date for Reception. We are offering full time places from that date. However, parents may prefer to agree a part-time option to begin with. Please speak to staff
What can you do to help? Support the transition Talk to your child Encourage them to share Enable them to dress and undress independently Use the toilet facilities independently Open and close lunchbox Curriculum evening September
GENERAL INFORMATION Uniform – (Label everything!) Dropping off, picking up and parking. (The school has a parking policy)
GENERAL INFORMATION Medicals Newsletters Website Punctuality (The school has an Attendance Policy). Extra Curricular Activities Governors/School Fund
FIRST DAY Bring to playground/ ‘paddock’ Leave as soon as possible Don’t worry Talk
End of the Day Parking Let us know if you will be late or if you have changed pick up arrangements. Security checks are important Your child will be tired Listen
MISSION STATEMENT IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO LOVE A CHILD. THEY MUST KNOW THAT THEY ARE LOVED (St. John Bosco) At St Bernadette’s we recognise that each child in our care is made in the image and likeness of God. Our mission is to develop fully their individual potential in the context of Gospel values of truth and love.