WDS Status Propose to create 6 sub-collaborations Propose to create 6 sub-collaborations Sub-collaborationSummary of Task 1Proton DriverDefinition of critical.


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Presentation transcript:

WDS Status Propose to create 6 sub-collaborations Propose to create 6 sub-collaborations Sub-collaborationSummary of Task 1Proton DriverDefinition of critical parameters and R&D on components 2TargetryR&D on solid and liquid targets to prove viability; R&D on pion collection 3MICEDemonstration and study of ionisation cooling 4FFAGsStudy of FFAG acceleration, proof of principle and R&D on critical components 5Design and engineering studies Cost and performance optimised Neutrino Factory Design 6Physics and detectors Define parameters for accelerator & detector, inc. detector cost Steering Groups being proposed (for those without one)

EC FP6 Design Studies FP6 3 blocks of activities: Integrating European Research Structuring the ERAStrengthening the ERA Research and Innovation Human resources & mobility Research infrastructures Science and Society Transnational Access Integrating Activities Communication Network Development Design Studies Construction of New Infrastructure Accompanying Measures CARE BENE HIPPI

FP6 Design Studies HIPPI – JRA: improving existing infrastructure HIPPI – JRA: improving existing infrastructure Design Studies: FS and TPW on new infrastructures Clear European dimension and interest Must “systematically explore EIB and Structural Funds” Infrastructure can be outside EU, if EU participates Upgrade to existing infrastructure, if replaces new

FP6 Design Studies Feasibility Studies: “will aim at laying the conceptual foundations of a potential new or enhanced infrastructure. This could consist in the basic feasibility study of a specific new facility or in exploring a new fundamental technology or technique underpinning a whole new concept. Alternatively, a feasibility study could cover the detailed engineering design of a proposed infrastructure, in particular in relation to its most technologically advanced aspects (i.e. excluding the detailed design of standard elements of the new infrastructure). “ Technical Preparatory Work: “will cover the development and testing of components, subsystems, materials or techniques (including dedicated software) that are critical for the future development of a new or enhanced infrastructure. Support will however not be provided for preparatory work based on existing or proven techniques or technologies, nor when it aims at reproducing available components or materials.” NB Contributions to capital investments are excluded

FP6 Design Studies In first call: 70M€ In first call: 70M€ EC contribution/DS: 1-10M€ EC contribution/DS: 1-10M€ Maximum EC contribution: 50% Maximum EC contribution: 50% Total cost has to be justified in proposal Total cost has to be justified in proposal Duration of DS: 24 to 48 months Duration of DS: 24 to 48 months Funding: Timescale: Call for proposals:11 th November Submission deadline:4 th March 2004, 5pm Evaluation/interviews:June 2004 Results:July 2004 Contract negotiations end:September 2004 DS start:end 2004/start 2005

NF FP6 Design Study Proton Driver TargetryMICEFFAGsDesign Study Physics Studies Proton Driver MICEFFAGsDesign Study Physics Studies TargetCollect n Proton Driver >0.2 GeV MICEFFAGs?Design Study Physics Studies TargetCollect n Two Conveners Four Conveners Two Conveners

Steering Group Director:Ken Peach Coordinator:Rob Edgecock Japanese representative:? US representative:? Proton Driver:Roland Garoby Chris Prior Targetry:Roger Bennett Jean-Eric Campagne MICE:Alain Blondel John Cobb FFAGs:Francois Meot ? Design & Engineering:Helmut Haseroth Rob Edgecock Yves Declais Vittorio Palladino Physics:Pilar Hernandez Mauro Mezzetto

Timescales Submit proposal:4 th March 2004, 5pm! Finish proposal:19 th February 2004 Start writing final version:15 th January 2004 Final editing starts:12 th February 2004 Firmed up plans, outline of:24 th December 2003 proposal, 1 st cost and schedule 1 st plans/WP:11 th December 2003 Work Package teams formed:28 th November 2003 Today Form Steering Group:Today Today Form Work Package teams:Today Feedback from Brussels Review of plans: 18 th /19 th December Proposal preparation Final review of proposal 18 th February

Funding Assume DS will be 4 years  end 2008 Can get 10M€ from EC Must find at least the same from existing sources Need to check FP6 rules, e.g. MICE beam and inf? “Third party” funding? Matching funding/Work Package or total? Need to check what “capital investments” are Within these limits, there are no limits!

Next Steps Get approval of plans from EMCOG- RE Get approval from ESGARD- RE Contact with Brussels- RE Determine requirements at RAL- PRN/RE Form Steering Groups- RE et al Form teams- SGs Develop plans for proposal- All All must start now!