Higher Int 2 NAB Questions
Question (higher only) Explain, in detail, how you used the knowledge you gained from studying both Key concepts/Key Features to design a relevant development programme to address your performance needs identified in Part 1 of the NAB. (6)
Response (higher only) Skill Classification How did your knowledge of Open skills help you to design a training programme specific to you How did your knowledge of complex skills help you to design a specific training programme
Stages of Learning How did your knowledge of Stages of Learning help you to design a specific training programme
Question (both) Describe, in detail, the programme of work you used to develop your performance.
Response Training programme on your sheets Describe it in detail!!!
Question Higher Explain why any adaptation/changes were made to your programme. Give specific examples of these adaptations/changes. Int 2 Give examples of any adaptation/changes you made to your programme of work.
Response Changes to success criteria – why? Faster feeding – why? Remove a drill from session 1-2 or 3-4 despite the fact you had planned to do that. Why? Pressure drill in week 5 to difficult so you changed it in session 6. Why? Relate whatever you are talking about to motivation/concentration and how that affects you whilst carrying out your training programme.
Question Higher Describe, in detail, how you monitored the effectiveness of your programme of work. Int 2 Describe one method you used to monitor your programme of work.
Response Success criteria/setting targets Training diary – evaluation of drills Verbal feedback from your teacher eg constant feedback on technique Re-did your movement analysis sheet to compare and contrast.