The new context of partnership working Deborah Fowler Head of Outreach and UK/EU Recruitment Colin Wylie Schools Liaison Officer
Overview Developments within the sector Developments at the University Schools and colleges liaison activity Widening Participation activity Admissions related developments Collaborative working
Sector wide - Access Agreements Submitted to the Office for Fair Access (OFFA) in April Confirmation of approval received this week Set out how we will use additional fees to support students from under-represented groups Balancing widening participation, fair access and retention Annual reporting against targets and milestones Currently developing implementation plans
Access Agreements - Focus Outreach with schools, colleges and communities Attention on impact & outcomes, not just outputs Demonstrating impact on progression to selective HEIs and courses Supporting student retention and success Collaboration between institutions
Our response: 2011/12 Committed to continuation of: Primary:Prof Fluffy Half term activities Secondary:Discover US SOAMS Achievement Awards Looked After Children Post-16:SOAMS Law/Architecture ADOPT LAC
Developments: 2011/12 Roll out of Dream Bigger Dreams – online activities Pilot of “students in schools” activities Expansion of HE Prep Programme – academic skills Withdrawal of “Compact Scheme” Expansion of broad ‘HE Support’ activities for post-16 students Enhanced collaborative working with SHU and other HEIs
Compact & Post-16 support Introduction of automatic contextual data flagging mechanism (via UCAS, using a ‘basket of indicators’ approach) Manual application for Compact no longer required Introduction of “Disrupted Studies” process at TUOS for specific issues that need highlighting over & above UCAS data Expansion of post-16 info and advice – ‘HE Support’* Finance (some in collaboration with SHU) Applications Choosing what and where to study Student Life
Developments: Post 2012 Roll out of faculty programmes (e.g. PPP, SOAMS) Intensive 2 year widening participation programmes Cohort based activities More of a ‘menu’ approach to subject specific activities (not just WP) Roll out of “students in schools” programme Pilot of Generic intensive 2 year programme Subject tasters Academic skills development activity Further development of web based resources / activities available to all
Targeting OFFA: demonstrate impact on “most able, least likely” BUT – need to balance between widening participation generally, widening participation to the University, recruiting to the University Pragmatic approach to targeting Some info & advice activity available to all schools and colleges, targeting whole groups Subject specific intensive programmes targeting individuals Work with schools, colleges and Local Authority staff to make sure it meets all our needs Clarity re primary target groups for the various schemes we offer
Collaboration with other HEIs Sheffield Hallam University HE finance campaign – joint initiative to avoid duplication Pre-16 Info and Advice activity Maintain networks and further develop city/region partnerships Leeds, Hull, York Excellence Hubs subject specific activity – targeting high achievers Impartial Info and Advice for Y9, 11 & 12 National Russell Group activity targeting advisers
HE Support Programme Colin Wylie
Post-16 HE Support Programme Support for students and parents / carers 2 year programme - support throughout the process Workshops on finance, applications, student life, choosing what/where to study… Attendance at parents evening and careers evening Academic skills activity (HE Prep Programme) Invitations to collaborative ‘Conferences’ with universities of Leeds, Hull, York Web based information & advice Student involvement – peer support for prospective students
Post-16 HE Support Programme Support for teachers / advisers Web based information & advice Updates on government policy Information about opportunities to get involved / what’s on offer Development of web-based activities ‘Self-service’ activities focusing on key issues Available for you to use as and when it is appropriate “Reach” e-newsletter Open Days - teacher & adviser sessions
Year 12 Sept - Jan HE Preparation activity Introduction to UCAS process Overview of fees & finance systems Attendance at careers events/parents evening Jan - July Applications workshops One day tailored visits UCAS Fair (Arena) Open Days – June & July school / college groups teacher / adviser activity Preparation for Personal Statements Attendance at careers events/parents evening
Year 13 Sept - Jan Personal Statements workshops HE Preparation activity Open Day (Sept) Last minute UCAS advice Detailed fees & finance activity, e.g. budgeting “Student life” sessions Careers/parents event Student led web chats August Confirmation & Clearing Advice Open Day September Welcome event Peer mentoring opportunities
Key Dates Open Days – 2011 Tuesday 6 September Open Days – 2012 Friday 15 June Friday 6 July Saturday 7 July Tuesday 4 September
To Discover And Understand.