Welcome to Scottish Borders Council Aims and Progress of Self Directed Support in the Scottish Borders 28 March 2012
Welcome to Scottish Borders Council Self-directed Support Pilot Project Plan 2009 aims to offer people: increased choice and control over how care needs are met opportunity to make very different choices …with focus on achieving the agreed outcomes clear information about how much money is allocated to them support to be full and equal participants in society
Welcome to Scottish Borders Council Headlines from the SBC Pilot Over 30 people on SDS Pilot People mainly using either a direct payment or ISF Message is that this provides more flexibility We are still learning …..
Welcome to Scottish Borders Council Links within SDS Person centred approaches and Positive Risk Taking Self Directed Support via individual budgets Working with communities to deliver participation, independence and choice
Welcome to Scottish Borders Council Supporting the Pilot Changing culture Positive Risk Management Guidance developed Outcomes focus developing Training commissioned – 10 day sessions Follow up sessions with managers
Welcome to Scottish Borders Council Supporting the Pilot Project Structure Project Board, Working Groups and Citizen Reference Group Processes SSAQ, Support Plan, Review, Guidance for care managers Information Leaflet, SDS Newsletter
SDS – Key Steps 1.From Assessment get Estimated Budget 2.Plan Support Arrangements 3.Plan How Manage Support and Individual Budget 4.Agree Support Plan including Individual Budget 5.Organise Support 6.Live Life 7.Review
Support Planning What and who is important in your life? What outcomes do you want to achieve? What support do you need to make these changes? How will risks be managed? How will your IB be managed? How will you stay in control of your life? Back-up/contingency plans? How will you spend your IB? How will you know if it is working?
Resource Allocation System Based on in Control RAS model Desk top exercise of 100 examples of support and funding commitment Estimated budget is ONE part of the assessment process Individual Budget agreed with Support Plan
My individual budget What can I buy ? I want… ‘to learn at home’ ‘ to work’ ‘to feel safe’ ‘to have a break and know he is doing something that interests him’ ‘to shop when I feel able to’
Community Services Individual Implications for Scottish Borders - working at three levels
Next Key Steps Develop SDS approach with children and their families Table top exercise to learn processes for sw managed support/budget Recruit Support Planners Evaluate Pilot – by early May Plan the Roll Out of SDS