Young Leader Training Module F – Special People
Equal Opportunities Policy The Scout Association is part of a world wide educational youth movement. The values which underpin and inspire its work are embodied in the Scout Promise and Law and in the Aim of the Association. Within this framework, the Association is committed to equality of opportunity for all young people
Asthma Affects airways of the lungs Breathing difficulties Wheezing Chest tightness Brought on by exercise, nervousness or an allergy Controlled by drugs either relieving or preventative
Diabetes Insulin deficiency Glycaemia attack Caused by too high or too low sugar levels Regular meals important Controlled by drugs Treatments vary for individuals
Dyslexia Word blindness Affects writing, spelling and reading Frustration Behavioural problems Attention seeking
Hearing Impairment Partial loss to total loss Language difficulties Relies on sight Inattentive if unable to follow speech Sign language Shouted instructions & alarms not heard
Visual Impairment Blurred vision to total loss Aids Rely on memory and virtual pictures Longer to familiarise with new surroundings Buddies
Help And Support Individual concerned Parents or relatives National support organisations Headquarters fact sheets Assistant County Commissioner (Special Needs)
Case Study 1 Your cub pack has 4 leaders and 20 cubs some with special needs as listed below. The cub pack have expressed a wish to go to the local leisure centre swimming pool for a recreational swim. Decide on what extra precautions and planning would have to be done to allow them all to be able to go. The cub pack consists of the following young people. –9 No. No special needs. –6 No. Asthma triggered by strenuous exercise. –1 No. Asthma triggered by grass pollen. –1 No. With partial hearing in both ears, this young person wearing hearing aids. –2 No. With slight visual impairment managed by the wearing of glasses. –1 No. With red/green colour blindness.
Case Study 2 Your cub pack, which has 3 leaders and 18 cubs is planning a visit to the local museum to find out about the local history. Some of the cubs have special needs requirements as listed below. Decide on what extra precautions and planning would have to be done to allow them all to go. –10 No. No Special Needs –2 No. Dyslexia –3 No. With slight visual impairment managed by the wearing of glasses –2 No. With red/green colour blindness –1 No. Wears a leg calliper
Case Study 3 Your Scout Troop, which has 2 leaders and 12 scouts is planning an activities camp at the local County Camp Site. Some of the members have special needs as listed below. Decide on what extra precautions and planning would be needed to allow all the members to attend. –6 No. No Special Needs. –4 No. Asthma triggered by hay fever. –1 No. Diabetic. –1 No. Suffers from bedwetting.
Case Study 4 Your Scout Troop, which has 3 leaders and 16 Scouts is going climbing at a local climbing wall. Some of the Scouts have special needs as listed below. Decide on the extra precautions and planning required to allow all the Scouts to participate. –9 No. No Special Needs. –2 No. With slight visual impairment managed by the wearing of glasses. –1 No. With total visual impairment. –1 No. With red/green colour blindness. –2 No. Asthma triggered by hay fever. –1 No. Asthma triggered by a dust allergy.