Functional Skills National Strategies Update Monday 20 April 2009
Functional skills in GCSEs >On 2nd April the DCSF removed the requirement for Level 2 functional skills for the award of a GCSE A*-C in English, mathematics and ICT in Key points to note are: >Functional skills remain separately accredited. The decision does not mean that an FS qualification will be awarded ‘by proxy’. >The links remain for the other pathways, Diplomas, Foundation Learning Tier and Apprenticeships. >Functional skills in the KS4 curriculum and in tests will roll-out from September >The new GCSE criteria embed functional skills.
Functional skills in GCSEs >The letter announcing the decision makes clear that functional skills remain ‘at the heart of changes’: they will need to be taught and assessed for all, even if not separately tested for all. >There will be recognition of the achievement of standalone functional skills tests through the new School Report Card. >The broad areas of the National Strategies programme plan will remain the same, but there will be some refocusing of content.
Diploma developments >On 6 April the DCSF announced the Gateway results, Consortia Support Package and Consortium Support Grant for Diplomas. >314 consortia (groups of schools, colleges and training providers) have been approved to offer Diploma courses from September >693 lines have been approved for delivery through Gateway 3 from 2010 and a further 492 in 2011 to provide 1185 new lines by >Overall a total of 2071 lines have been approved through Gateways 1, 2 and 3 to deliver in >Six consortia will deliver Diplomas in all 14 subject areas from 2010.
Key resources and links >Modules 1 – 4 are now available online with an introductory overview. >A DVD ROM containing all four modules and additional resources is being distributed to schools in the LA training to allow maximum flexibility in dissemination. >For the e-learning of core modules 1 – 4 go to the National Strategies section of the standards site: >Details of the Gateway results and support package can be found at: Gateway- Gateway results Gateway > News Centre : Department for Children, Schools and Families - Press Centre : Department for Children, Schools and Families > - Consortia Support Package and Consortium Support >For details of functional skills in the revised GCSEs and the correspondence between Ofqual and the DCSF go to: and also >For further information please
The vision Functional skills go forward… ‘ We want functional skills to be at the heart of all the 14 – 19 changes so that all young people develop essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and at work.’ Minister of State April 2009
Updates Functional Skills Regional Network June 2009
Functional Skills and GCSE >Letters on Ofqual site – technical and Ministerial commitments >Expert group – Functional Skills achievement on school report card >Key messages around functionality, applied learning and independence being important to all >GCSE criteria are key – especially controlled assessments and notion of functionality
Functional Skills in other pathways >FS still required for all other pathways (FLT, diplomas, apprenticeship) - no plans to change >No proxies for Functional Skills because of application in real and relevant contexts that will not be part of GCSE in the same way
Timelines for Functional Skills >Tight and there will be a need to support centres when final specifications are published >GCSE specifications not due until November 2009 >Functional Skills specifications due April 2010 >Both dependent on Ofqual regulation – so need to take care with drafts being shared by Awarding Organisations
Regulation >Consultation on FS regulatory documents from June to August >‘Skills Criteria’ and ‘Qualification Criteria’ for FS qualifications >Most are changes to Assessment Principles but some to skills standards especially mathematics >These remain draft documents until consultation complete, Ofqual regulation and final publication November 2009