Researching Inter-generationality: Exploring Methods for Researching Inter-generational Interactions and Relationships Dr Joanne Britton Lecturer in Applied Sociology Department of Sociological Studies University of Sheffield
My aims to encourage researchers to share our experiences of researching intergenerational interactions and relationships to promote discussion of the potential for using new and innovative research methods for researching inter-generationality
Structure of my presentation What is inter-generationality? Why is it an important focus of research now? What are some of the key methodological questions for us to consider in designing research on inter-generationality?
What is inter-generationality? Inter-generationality refers to the interactions and relationships between different generational groups The concept highlights how our social identity is constructed and experienced in relation to and interacting with people of other age and generational groups
Why is inter-generationality an important focus for research now? Two key reasons: ▫result of the development of a relational conceptualisation of childhood (and sub- disciplinary overlap) ▫emergence as a policy priority at an international level
Two key methodological issues to consider when designing research projects on inter- generationality how to incorporate different age and generation groups in the research design how to address the location of power in the research process
A Study of Intergenerational Community Relations 20 young people between age 12 and older people over age 55 Two generational groups interviewed separately in small friendship groups More information about findings at: briefing_britton.pdf
Doing it differently Participatory research Innovative methods ▫E.g. visual methods ▫E.g. walking methods ▫E.g. Mapping exercise
Concluding thoughts We need ‘tales of the field’ from researchers researching inter-generationality We can learn from examples of intergenerational good practice in the voluntary sector In the 21 st Century, the problem of inter- generational interactions and relations is important enough to merit serious consideration