Welcome to the Spiritual England website. We hope you enjoy looking around the site and find it useful, but we also want you to get involved. Spiritual England – our vision - support, inspiration and spiritual growth for everyone! This website has been created with love to motivate, inspire and help you grow spiritually. What does ‘grow spiritually’ mean? We have to find out for ourselves. Book of the Moment: ‘The Search for Spirituality’ by Ursula King - Essential reading for all interested in promoting a spiritual way of living‘The Search for Spirituality’ by Ursula King Navigate around the site: You'll find some thoughts from people who think about spirituality and many links to other sources of information, inspiration and support. Explore, learn and discover things for yourself but remember that spiritual growth does not happen overnight. When you are ready, you may choose to commit to the path that is right for you. Then you will begin to reap the rewards of regular spiritual practice, being part of a nurturing group/community and living a life with meaning. Be part of the spiritual regeneration of the nation!
Spiritual England – the organisation A national voluntary organisation. Working to develop understanding, spread good practice and promote activities which open the doors to support, inspiration and spiritual growth for everyone. Engaging with people of all ages and backgrounds. With a remit that is wider than faith-based activities. Providing information, advice and a helpline. Acting as a watchdog to ensure human rights based practices. Spiritual England – the organisation A national voluntary organisation. Working to develop understanding, spread good practice and promote activities which open the doors to support, inspiration and spiritual growth for everyone. Engaging with people of all ages and backgrounds. With a remit that is wider than faith-based activities. Providing information, advice and a helpline. Acting as a watchdog to ensure human rights based practices.
We created our vision at the Spiritual England seminar held in London in May the spiritual regeneration of the nation; passionate and compassionate people; people working together for the common good; a greater sense of society and mutuality; everyone respected and accepted; an abundance of accessible, affordable and good quality spiritual growth opportunities for all ages - in communities and at work; a loving and supportive society; communities working together in peace and harmony; nurturing families; it is people experience more positive and creative beginnings and ends to life; there is an improvement in living.
Spiritual England is currently an informal network of people seeking a more connected and meaningful way of living. However, the strategic plan is that it will evolve into a national voluntary organisation which will work with and through others to bring support, inspiration and the opportunity for spiritual growth to everyone. In the first instance we will be fundraising to be able to employ an information officer and to organise national and local gatherings and events. If you would like to find out more or help in any way then contact us: Our plan is to... promote the right of the individual to a spiritual life; engage with people of all ages and backgrounds; have a remit that is wider than faith-based activities; provide information, advice and a helpline; boost participation by inspiring people to undertake spiritual practices and join nurturing communities; spread good practice and promote spiritual activities; Our plan is to... promote the right of the individual to a spiritual life; engage with people of all ages and backgrounds; have a remit that is wider than faith-based activities; provide information, advice and a helpline; boost participation by inspiring people to undertake spiritual practices and join nurturing communities; spread good practice and promote spiritual activities;
‘At the Heart of Our Schools’ Campaign Spiritual England Director Anna Lubelska talked about our new campaign ‘At the Heart of Our Schools’ at our recent national conference on ‘Creating Spiritual Spaces for Children and Young People.’ Anna said: ‘We believe that there should be dedicated spaces in schools where pupils and students can be quiet, reflect and maybe meditate or pray. At a time when concerns about young people’s mental health are escalating and they are bombarded with information, advertising and under all sorts of pressure – Spiritual England will be spearheading a campaign to bring some stillness and peace into our children’s lives’. ‘At the Heart of Our Schools’ Campaign Spiritual England Director Anna Lubelska talked about our new campaign ‘At the Heart of Our Schools’ at our recent national conference on ‘Creating Spiritual Spaces for Children and Young People.’ Anna said: ‘We believe that there should be dedicated spaces in schools where pupils and students can be quiet, reflect and maybe meditate or pray. At a time when concerns about young people’s mental health are escalating and they are bombarded with information, advertising and under all sorts of pressure – Spiritual England will be spearheading a campaign to bring some stillness and peace into our children’s lives’. Spiritual England is working with others to plan work with children and spirituality in schools and communities. We are interested to have your views and experiences of such work. Tell us on: We will be working with national and local partners to: Develop support materials for this campaign for use in schools and other settings Consult with children and young people about their experiences and their ideas of quiet spaces Organise regional events to promote the ideas To get involved in this campaign just us: We will be working with national and local partners to: Develop support materials for this campaign for use in schools and other settings Consult with children and young people about their experiences and their ideas of quiet spaces Organise regional events to promote the ideas To get involved in this campaign just us: