I am Year 6 going on Year 7 We’ll take care of you Ensuring a smooth transition to secondary school Julie Greer Headteacher Cherbourg Primary School
350 pupils Resourced provision for BESD Urban 31% SEN 29% FSM mainly homogenous socio economic background % pupils from minority ethnic cultures 13% whose first language is other than english
How do we learn best? An understanding of early development An acknowledgment of how we learn ourselves A reminder of what our objectives are What other conditions are most conducive to learning?
Active learning Hands on Relevant resources Ownership Intrinsic motivation Language Role of the adult
Factors in supporting a child to make an effective transition Whole school commitment (outgoing and incoming) Whole school inclusive ethos The need to right the imbalance of disadvantage – use of pupil premium Ever6 Rights respecting – policy and practice Willingness to work with parents – even when uncomfortable Attainment and achievement Strategies for self regulation Ways to be strong inside Trustful relationships Community of the school Perspective, empathy and a focus on the solution not the problem.
Allow us to tell you what we are thinking or feeling. Whether our voices are big or small; whether we whisper or shout it, or paint, mime or sign it – listen to us and hear what we say. Right No. 13, adapted form Article 13 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, illustrated by Nicola, aged 10
Having a voice Share with the person next to you what ways you have seen children having their voices heard? How much were their opinions taken into account? What is an example of good participation? What is an example of tokenistic or even disempowering ‘participation’?
Effective participation Real voices Genuine listening Impact and involvement Making a difference School’s council Borough Council LEA
What can you take forward for next September?
Two stars and a wish