Engaging with changing commissioning
How do we engage? Significant changes to funding Increased desire from central and local government to commission VCS delivery of preventative work New funding through national contracts or payment by results March 31 st approaching and no system in place
Economic Change Some services removed entirely “an end to universal provision” Greater Manchester councils aim to make 25% of their savings by pooling services Big local providers become small providers at a city- region level Payment by results based on outcomes – loans first, payment later Big Society Bank will provide loans to intermediary bodies
Community Budgets Greater Manchester pilot scheme –Transforming Justice –Families with complex needs Councils and other statutory bodies pool funding Focus on preventative work and early interventions Payment by results
Payment By Results Payment in future based on an assessment of savings to public services Requirement for loan finance to front fund Commissioners will want to understand impact Lenders will want to understand risk
Collaboration Many providers too small on their own to take on bigger contracts or loan based finance Intermediary structures necessary – if we don’t create them others will Co-op or Tesco
Directory: voluntarysectorhealth.org.uk Individual providers mapped against outcomes and care pathways Commissioners better understand provision Providers understand potential partners
Prime Contractor - Towpath Bringing organisations normally excluded from the commissioning process into the delivery of public services LSC contract £630k to enable those far from the labour market to engage in learning Community Grants programme of up to £12k 64 organisations funded – more than 1000 learners Monitoring burden and capacity building supported through LSC contract and carried out by GMCVO Capacity building work occurred alongside service delivery making it more effective and practical
Health and Wellbeing Consortium Vehicle for winning contracts Rigorous Quality Assurance process through PQQ Hub and spoke model to provide back office function Independent social enterprise with its own board that subcontracts to its members Potential vehicle for loan based funding to cover initial years of operation (planned £350k over 3 years)
Opportunities Uncertainty means there are opportunties to work in new ways There are investors who want to finance Payment By Results If you understand your impact then risk can be managed Working with others can help spread risk