Early Support Developmental Journal Julie Jennings
What is Early Support? a national, pan-disability, multi-agency programme mainstreamed through Sure Start Children’s Centres extended the age range to birth to five years links to the Early Years Foundation Stage
Research/Guidance Right from the Start (Scope) Taking the Time (RNIB) Services for Disabled Children (Audit Commission) Developing Early Intervention/Support Services for Deaf Children and their families (DfES/RNID) Together from the Start (DfES/DH)
Policy Every Child Matters Removing Barriers to Achievement National Service Framework for Children Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People
Mainstreaming the approach "Early Support is the Government's recommended approach to co- ordinating services… "Early Support is the right model for working with disabled children and their families… "It is vitally important that all local authorities and their partners engage with the Early Support approach." (May 2007)
Key messages Involvement of families in planning and delivery of services -better information -developing keyworker services -agreed joint family support plans Multiagncy working -better networking -better training
Early Support materials Materials for professionals Practical guidance building on Together from the Start
Early Support materials Family Pack standard templates for family held records standard information on a range of disabilities
Early Support materials Service audit tool Principles Standards
Early Support materials Developmental journals Deaf children Children with visual impairment Children with Downs Syndrome Generic journal Complex needs?
VI journal: Aims support partnership working between families and professionals –common framework –shared language celebrate progress and promote development NOT a standardized checklist
Sections Introduction Developmental journal Record of developing vision Getting stuck - more ideas General overview of development
Sections (cont) Activities and ideas cards general activity cards developing vision activity cards visual environment and visual materials cards
Stages 1a birth to 6 months 1b months months months months months +
Areas Social and emotional development Communication, language and meaning Play and learning (and using hands) Movement and mobility Towards independent self care
Developing vision VI - no response V2 - sees light V3 - sees large objects V4 - sees small objects
Key issues early movement social interaction shared discovery/joint attention meaning making play based activities
Workshop Using the journal 5 groups Developmental journal areas (baseline) Activity cards (next stage) Implications of visual environment and materials cards