Vision and Function
Vision is not one thing Colour Depth Motion Form Detection Resolution Recognition
Two systems Central - cones form, detail, colour, high contrast (daylight), static images Peripheral - rods motion, depth, low contrast (night vision), locating objects in space
Aspects related to visual abilities Type Degree Onset Prognosis
Individual characteristics Psychomotor development Cognitive development Affective development In relation to environmental conditions Physical Psychological
ICF Learning and applying knowledge General tasks and demands Communication Mobility Self care Domestic life Interpersonal interactions and relationships Major life areas Community, social and civic life
Lea Hyvarinen's 4 leafed clover of visual functioning
The Eye the importance of vision how the eye works
Visual Development Vision is a learned process. When babies are born their vision is not yet fully developed. Children’s sight continues to develop in the first years of life by being used. It mainly develops during the first year, but continues developing until children are around seven years old.
Main functions of vision focus movement visual acuity visual field stereoscopic vision colour vision contrast sensitivity light sensitivity visual perception
Vision promotion Developmental setback Form vision
Early Support VI Journal Record of developing vision Developing vision activity cards Visual environment and visual materials cards
Workshop Observing Megan