Ensuring Progression in Learning Development Dr Amanda Tinker and Dr Pat Hill 18 April Liverpool John Moores University
University of Huddersfield - Rationale Embedding Skills Project, –Academic and employability skills assessed at Intermediate level but rarely taught –Skills ‘front-loaded’ at foundation level –All new courses are now required to consider progressive skills development as part of validation process Our Web Site
Rationale: Academic Skills Statistics, School of Art, Design and Architecture School of Music, Humanities and Media One-to-One Tutorials
‘Second Year Blues: Developing Interactive Resources for Progressive Curriculum Design’, To develop new and innovative strategies that might better embed progressive learning across the curriculum and, in particular, at intermediate level. To analyse relevant case studies (of three degree programmes in Schools of ADA and MHM), to further implement and embed clearly identifiable ‘progression points’ into curricula design. To develop further resources for Embedding Skills Website, as a national resource with Association for Learning Development in HE.
Focus Group Workshops: Academic Staff Staff-student expectations Assessment and feedback Nature of curriculum Different working environments External factors Pastoral care PDP
Focus Group Workshop: Learner Developers Expectations What do you think academic staff expect from students at years 1, 2 and 3? What do you think students expect from years 1, 2 and 3? Experiences What are your experience of learning development issues at years 1, 2 and 3? What learning development initiatives have you undertaken for years 1, 2, and 3? Evolution What changes need to be made to ensure progression? How can we help students make the most of the 2 nd year?
What Next? Engage with staff in 3 case studies to investigate and establish progression: Examine QAA benchmarks, skills mapping exercise Assessment tasks, learning outcomes and assessment criteria Identify current good practice Capture student experiences through focus groups Make available all findings and resources on the Embedding Skills website for staff to view Run staff development workshops