Files = documents made or saved on your computer Extension = shows the program in which a document was created Folder = Used to organize files Drive = a path where information is stored.
EVERYTHING saved on your computer is stored as a file.
Each file has an extension to show the program that created it. Navajo.doc File name extension (created in Word) Navajo.xls File name extension (created in Excel)
A file can be stored in a Folder. Native Navajo.doc Americans
A folder can be stored in a folder. Native Americans Westward Movement
Files and folders are stored on drives.
Drives are like the road that something is on. Each road is named with a letter. E
To see the roads or drives on your computer:
This is drive: C D drive E
While you are on this screen, lets name your thumb drive: Right Click
Click Here
Type your last name and press Enter.
Organize your files into major categories Navajo.xls Habitats Dessert.ppt Cherokee.doc Tundra.jpg Sod houses.ppt Penguins.doc Westward Expansion
When you have opened your thumb drive, you will see:
Find your new folder Then…… Click here:
Westward Expansion Type the new name for the folder: o Press
Drag your files and drop them in the new folder. Sod houses.ppt Cherokee.doc Navajo.xls Westward Expansion Conestoga wagons
Create folders within a folder to further organize: Native AmericansPioneer s Westward Expansion
Open the category folder you just created by double clicking on the folder: Westward Expansion
Click on Make a New Folder
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