Outcomes & Objectives Objectives To understand why the KKK formed initially. To describe the three separate stages of the KKK. To understand the term ‘carpetbaggers’. Outcomes 1. Write as many words or phrases that you know about the KKK. 2. Answer the questions regarding how and why the KKK first formed. 3. Answer the question regarding why the KKK burned crosses. 4. Follow the links and write down five of the Klan’s core beliefs, and five ways the Klan put their beliefs into action. 5. Analyse the ‘carpetbagger’ visual source and read the definition, then answer the questions. Black Peoples of the USA (2): How have the experiences of Black Peoples in the USA changed from 1619 to 2003? History Key Stage 3 Black Peoples of the USA Task What is the Ku Klux Klan? Image: kovarik/class/images/Ku KluxKlan.jpg
When and why did the Ku Klux Klan first form? Follow the link: Factmonster - The First KKKFactmonster - The First KKK Read the first paragraph – Why did the Ku Klux Klan first form in 1866? Read the second paragraph – Why did the Klan members dress in white robes?
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) Why do you think the KKK burned crosses? Tip: use adjectives to describe the scene. Now think about the acronym the KKK used for themselves. Finally, imagine you were a Black person living in the South at the time and saw this scene nightly. Now, answer the question!!
What were the central beliefs of the KKK throughout their history? Beliefs 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Actions 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Factmonster - Second KKK Factmonster - KKK after WWII
What message is this source intended to send? From who? To who?? Factmonster Definition: Carpetbaggers DESCRIBEDESCRIBE EXPLAINEXPLAIN