Medicines safety & eHealth Karen O’Hanlon 27 th Sept’11
eHealth Strategy 5 strategic eHealth aims To use IT in a co-ordinated way to improve the safety of people taking medicines and their effective use
Medicines safety & eHealth eHealth Strategy talks about:- Medicines reconciliation (MR) Emergency Care Summary (ECS) ePharmacy Programme Hospital Electronic Prescribing & Medicines Administration (HEPMA)
Medicines safety & eHealth eHealth Strategy has an ambitious vision. Includes: Improved communication & reconciliation across all transitions of care Making electronic patient medication summaries available in scheduled & unscheduled care Use of portals, windows to info or the web??
2014 Deliverables ‘By 2014 we will have enabled an accurate and up-to-date electronic medication summary to be available to the appropriate healthcare workers involved in a patient’s journey through the healthcare system’
Medicines safety & eHealth Short life working group established to:- balance the short term objective of improving MR with the longer term medication management objectives of HEPMA against a reduction in the capital available for eHealth Asked to: focus on the needs of all stakeholders and focus on pragmatic & incremental solutions
Where we have got to ECS Consultation (GP prescribing information):- 1.Do you agree? 2.Would you agree that patients expect this to happen? 3.Framework sufficient to proceed? All Boards (confer with GPs), LTCAS & GP Groups Deadline 16 Sept’11
Initial findings Extended deadline Around 40 responses so far Vast majority positive & very supportive But we do recognise ECS’s limitations and the need for implementation guidance & training if implemented
Next steps Waiting for final few responses Analysis of responses is underway Looking at technical implications of expanding the system to new users Paper for 18 October Programme Board
Discussion Karen O’Hanlon eHealth Strategy